Chapter Eleven

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 When Rosamund went looking for Finn, he was already waiting for her out by the edge of the woods, as if fully expecting her to come find him.

 "What did you do to my sister?" she demanded. 

 "I believe you already know the answer to that question," he replied.

 "But why?"

 "She begged me, over and over. I was not going to do it, but it was what she truly desired, and she promised me that I would make her happy in doing so. She had to feed. I tried to stop her, but she attacked that man."

 "That man was Henry's cousin James. Sage and I have known him since we were children, and she regrets murdering him."

 "I would surprised if she did not regret it," he said. "My siblings and I used to regret it. I still do, but I do not believe they do anymore."

 "How do you expect my sister to be all right, then?" Rosamund asked. "I do not want to spend the remainder of her life having to kill!"

 Finn shook his head. "It is too late. There is no way to make her human again. She will live forever, and she will spend that forever as a vampire."

 To say Rosamund was angry would have been accurate. But it was not only that. Her mind was a confused muddle of emotions. She was sad that her sister would stuck the same way while everyone else grew old, sad they would have to part someday, angry at Sage for wanting to be a vampire, angry at Finn for turning her into a vampire. But there was something else buried deep as well, something she wasn't sure what it was.

 She had turned on her heel, meaning to march away from him, but she slipped and took quite a tumble down the hill. She fell face first at the bottom, her ankle now throbbing with immense pain.

 "Rosamund!" Finn hurried down the hill and helped her sit up. "Does anything hurt?"

 "My ankle," she groaned.

 "You did seem to twist it in a bad way. Can you move it?"

 She tried moving it left and right, but the pain made it a thousand times more difficult than usual. "It's hard. How long will this last?"

 "I do not know. A few days perhaps."

 She groaned again. "I won't be able to walk, will I? There's too much work to be done."

 "Wait. I know what can help." Finn bared his fangs and bit into his own wrist. "Drink this."

 "Your blood?"

 "Yes. It can heal you."

 Rosamund gave him a skeptical look. "Can it?"

 "Yes, I promise it can. Please."

 She looked at the blood oozing out the wound he had made, and leaned forward to drink a little of it. Once she had, she felt the agonizing pain in her ankle disappear. "It worked." She slowly got to her feet. "Thank you, Finn."

 "Of course." He stood up straight. "I shall bid you goodnight now, Rosamund. Please be careful not to hurt yourself again."

 When Rosamund returned to the cottage, Sage asked, "Well? What did you say to him? You weren't too angry with him, were you? I did ask him to do it."

 "No. I am not angry with him," she said softly. "Not now. I have forgiven him for any wrongdoings." She sat down at the table. "And now my supper has grown cold."


 There was a strange smell in the air, something Rosamund knew. Smoke. There was the sound of people shouting and screaming in the air, something that was rarely heard in those parts. Rosamund tossed and turned in her bed, willing it to go away. Then she opened her eyes and saw the smoke clustered above her, the sounds of people shouting outside her window. She bolted upright, and saw the flames surrounding her.

 The entire cottage was on fire.

 "Sage!" She leapt out of bed, but saw no sign of her sister. She looked all around her, at the flames creeping closer. How had this happened? She had always been so careful with everything? How did they have a fire?

 "Sage!" she cried again. She was able to make her way to the stairs, but could see no one.

 Rosamund carefully stepped onto the top step, thinking perhaps, with some luck, she could at least get down the stairs without being burned...

 But the stairs collapsed, and Rosamund screamed as she was thrown into the flames below her.

Rosamund | Finn MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now