Chapter Five

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 Everything seemed quiet the next day, but Rosamund knew that wasn't entirely so. She knew everyone was talking in whispers, wondering how such a terrible thing could have happened to them. 

 "Are you and Sage really safe where you are?" Henry asked. "I could stay. If you need me, that is."

 "That is kind of you," Rosamund said. "But I cannot accept. Your mother needs you, and you should stay with her. She likely needs you more then Sage and I do."

 "Yes, I suppose so. But...perhaps you and Sage could come stay with us, then."

 "I do not think your mother would like that." 

 "But she likes company," Henry said, "And she likes you. I think she would be very happy if you came. Are you-" 

 "I think Sage and I are safe, Henry," she said quickly. "I will prepare myself if any wild creature should come to our door."

 Henry raised his eyebrows, and thought perhaps he said the wrong thing. "Rosamund, I am sorry-"

 "Do not be. I am not worried about myself now. I am concerned for Sage, though. She can be...careless."

 "Is that why you insist on working here with me, and not Sage?"

 "Well, of course it is. And she would rather be with Lord Finn, anyhow."

 "You don't think he would marry her, do you?" Henry asked.

 "Of course not. I do not expect him to. That is why I worry."

 "Excuse me. I do not I am not interrupting."

 Both Rosamund and Henry turned to see Lord Finn standing in the doorway.

 "Lord Finn." Rosamund dropped a quick curtsy. "What brings you to our shop?"

 "Hello, Rosamund." He looked at Henry. "Are you the village blacksmith?"

 Henry nodded. "I am. Rosamund helps."

 "I see. Then I have come to ask something of you both. We need five swords, the best you can make. If we are to be hunting for beasts and wild creatures, we will need good blades."

 "We can certainly do that," Rosamund said. "It will take time to forge five, but we can do it."

 To her surprise, Lord Finn seemed to smile a little.

 "Thank you, Rosamund," he said. "And you," he said to Henry. "I or one of my brothers will return in a few days to ask after you." With that, he turned and left.

 "He and Lord Elijah are the better ones," Rosamund said. "Lord Kol had the look of a scoundrel, and Lord Nikaus was simply frightening. I did not speak with Lady Rebekah, but I did not like the way she looked at Sage." 

 "But if there are four brothers, why did they ask for five swords?" Henry asked.

 "Perhaps Lord Finn meant four. Or perhaps Lady Rebekah is trained in swordsmanship as well. We should make all five, though."

 Rosamund looked outside to see Sage and Lord Finn talking quietly together. There was nothing frightening about him, nothing menacing at all. And yet she had the strangest feeling that something was not right with him.


 Rosamund awoke in the night to someone standing over her. It was a man's figure, and though it was dark, she could a mouth, and a pair of long, sharp teeth.

 She would have screamed, but didn't get the chance before a voice shouted, "Kol, don't!"

 "Why not?" the figure standing over her asked. "You really want both sisters? One is not enough?"

 "Kol. Leave her." Rosamund recognized the third voice as Lord Elijah.

 The figure moved away from her, and she saw him go out through the doorway. She didn't move; she terrified. What was happening?


 She got up, and saw it was Lord Finn who entered this time.

 "What are you doing here?" she said in a whisper.

 "Do not worry, please. We will leave. Please, go back to sleep." He stepped forward and stared into her eyes. "Close your eyes, and do not wake up until morning. I am sorry, Rosamund."


 Rosamund's eyes snapped open as the sky was lightening. She could see the events of night clearly in her mind, but she didn't understand it. Why was Lord Kol leering over her in such a way? What were Lords Finn and Elijah doing there? Was Sage all right?

 What if none of it had even happened? What id it was all just some inexplicable nightmare that seemed real?

 Sage was already awake and getting dressed for the day.

 "Were any of the lords here last night?" Rosamund asked.

 "The lords? Of course not," Sage said all too quickly.

 "Lord Kol was standing over me, and Finn and Elijah were there. They told him to leave me alone. He had enormous teeth, like that of...of some wild creature."

 "Rosamund, you're being ridiculous. Surely you do not think Lord Kol murdered Matilda Weaver."

 Rosamund did not know what to think. She knew Her sister well enough to know she was lying. Something had happened in the night, and she wanted to know what.

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