Chapter Eight

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 "Come on, Rose," Sage urged. "You know we'll have a busy day."

 "I know," Rosamund said. "Sage, I must speak with you."


 "Lord Finn came to see me last night. He told me secret, and I know the truth about them. They are night creatures called vampires, and you knew."

 Sage froze as she spoke, and slowly turned around to look at her.

 "He told you?" she asked. "He told me not to tell anyone."

 "He told me because he fears his siblings may try to murder me, like Lord Kol did to dear Matilda. Lord Finn said you knew from you met him that he was a vampire."

 "I did. I came across them by the forest, Lords Finn and Kol. I was frightened by Lord Kol, but Lord Finn was calm and soothing. He asked me not to tell anyone, and we became friends that day. I am...very fond of him, Rosamund."

 "You are not falling in love with him, are you?"

 Sage shrugged. "I might."

 "And would you...become like them?"

 She shrugged again. "Perhaps. If I was truly in love with him, perhaps." She smiled. "Oh, come now, Rosamund, I am not a fool. I would not simply let myself become a monster. I would be like Lord Finn. He must be fond of me if he would warn you of any danger. He does not want me to lose my sister."

 Rosamund nodded. "I suppose that could be." 

 It was a cloudy morning as they walked out to the field. It was the harvesting time, and everyone was doing their part. Rosamund and Sage got to work, but Sage suddenly stopped, apparently spotting something. Rosamund looked to see Lord Finn walking towards him.

 "Lord Finn." Sage gave him her brightest smile. "I am happy to see you."

 "And I you." He returned her smile, though it was not as bright. He looked at Rosamund. "Rosamund, will you walk with me? I must speak with you, alone."

 Rosamund glanced at Sage, who looked slightly crestfallen. "Yes, I shall, then."

 People stopped and stared seeing the two walking side by side. Rosamund constantly looked down at the ground, not wanting to meet anyone's eye.

 "How is work at the blacksmith shop?" he asked.

 "Very well. Henry is crafting the first sword, and the other four shall follow."

 He nodded. "Very good. After we parted last night, I spoke with my siblings. They will not attempt to murder you, but I ask that you be careful, anyhow. They do not trust you, but they trust me. I have told them you are no danger, and they seemed to believe me."

 "Thank you," she said, "For trying so hard to protect me. But I do not understand why. Why are you going to these lengths to protect me? We hardly know each other."

 "Sage is not the only one whom I am fond of," he answered. "I do not want to see any harm come to you, so I will do what I can to prevent it. And perhaps I want to prove that even though I am a vampire, I can still do a good thing by keeping you safe. All I ask is you be careful, Rosamund. You need not worry as much with Elijah; he is...somewhat decent. But as for the others, watch yourself." 

 "Lord Finn, you are the eldest," she pointed out. "Do you not hold some power in your household?"

 He shook his head. "Very little. Niklaus is the one with the power. Really, it is because I pity him. He was a bastard child, which our mother kept a secret. The story goes that our father murdered her for it, and now plans to murder us all."

 "His own wife and children?" Rosamund cried, and then glanced to see if anyone had heard her. "Did he really do such a thing?"

 "That is where I am not certain," Finn said. "My father always did aversion to Niklaus. It is possible he murdered our mother, but Niklaus was the one who found her body, and the one who cried that Father was the murderer."

 "Do you believe Niklaus murdered her?"

 "I believe he may have. But I cannot say such a thing to my siblings. They would think me mad or call me a traitor. The only one of us Father would murder is Niklaus. That is what I believe. We stay together, all five of us, because we do not wish to be separated."

 "But if you could go away on your own, you could."

 He nodded. "I would."

 "Would you take Sage with you?"

 He seemed to flinch at the question. "If she truly wanted to, perhaps. Not if it would put her in danger. Rosamund, I mean no harm to your sister. That I can promise you." He sighed. "I suppose I should let you return to your work."

 "I do believe," Rosamund said as they walked back the way they came, "That Sage is upset with me for taking you away from her, her dear Lord Finn."

 "We already spend much time together," he said. "Today, I needed to see you. And Rosamund, would me Finn? I hate to be called Lord Finn, as I know it is false."

 "Very well. Farewell for now, Finn, and do let me return to my work."

 When he had gone, Sage asked her, "What did he say?"

 "He meant to tell me he convinced his siblings not to murder me."

Rosamund | Finn MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now