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" A boy who can't remember his talent meets a girl who is feared for hers after being forced into a school killing game, hosted by six mechanical bears. Seventeen students, forced into this game. The only way to escape? Murder. "

Y/N's PoV-

I awoke to banging on the walls next to me. My head hurt like hell. As I opened my eyes, I adjusted to the lighting of my confinement. A....locker? The only lights came from the slit-shaped holes at the top. The locker was cold.

I tried to push on the locker door, but no luck. I kicked the door, making it clatter off it's hinges and onto the tile floor. Light flooded my eyes as I squinted, stumbling from the locker. Why was I in a locker? This is all such a hassle to think about.

"E-Excuse me?"

Someone spoke next to me.


I looked up to see a boy- No, a robot, looming over me with a look of concern.

"Are you alright?"He asked.

I blinked, not thinking this was real. A robot? The only thing that I've ever seen that was remotely close to a robot was my toaster back at home. I must have hit my head when I fell-

"Hello? Can you hear me?"

"Y-Yeah."I mumbled, standing up.

I dusted myself off, looking around.

"Where are we?"I asked.

"I do not know of our current location."He answered, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

I heard a loud thud come from the third locker in the room. I spun around to look. A boy had fallen out, landing on the floor.

"Owww that hurt!"He said, getting up.

"Who are you?"I questioned.

The purple haired boy smirked.

"Nishishishi~ My name is Kokichi Ouma, the ultimate supreme leader!"He grinned.

"I am K1-B0, the ultimate robot! But you can just call me Kiibo!"

"My name isn't important, neither is my talent."I stated.

A look of fake disappointment spread across Kokichi's face.

"Aww come on! Tell us, Tell us!"He pushed.


"I-If she does not wish to reveal anything about herself, she does not have to."Kiibo replied.

A sly grin spread across Kokichi's face.

"But what would a robot know? You don't have human emotions."Smirked Kokichi.

Kiibo looked angry.

"Hey! That's Robophobic!"Kiibo yelled, pointing at Kokichi.

The noise was starting to agitate me.

"Can you just-"

Suddenly, a set of different colored bears popped up out of nowhere, startling Kiibo.

"Rise and shine ursine!"They all exclaimed.

"Tiny....bears. No way are these things real."I crossed my arms.

"Oh but we are! We are the Monokubs!"

I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah cool. No one cares. Where are we?"I asked.

"You're at the Ultimate academy for gifted juveniles!"The red one said proudly.

"I have not heard of such a place...."Mumbled Kiibo.

"Nishishi~! How exciting!"Smirked Kokichi.

The bears kept talking, but eventually I just tuned them out, leaning against the cold wall. I had stopped listening, so I hadn't even noticed that the bears had left and that an annoying purple haired boy was waving his hand in my face.

"Helloooo? Earth to whoever-you-are?"He said, reaching to poke my face.

I sent him a glare.

"I'll break your finger if you come any closer."I growled.

He retracted his hand and laughed. His expression turned serious.

"Try me."

"You little...."

"Do not fight! Violence is not the answer!"Kiibo yelled, moving between us.

I don't like this Kokichi guy.

Killing Game (Rantaro X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now