Element Bearers

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Before you ask, no. I am not an avatar. You thought my story was gonna get wrapped up as a fanfic.

Oh no. I'm well aware of this fourth wall. Then I came in like a wrecking ball. (Sing it of you want to)

Now I wasn't one of the kids who hid my powers from my parents or just found out about these powers. Nah, not my style. I'm not your go with the flow girl. That's a water elementist's job.

I've really always known. Even before my parents told me. They expected my hair to catch on fire or something. My dad even stood by with an extinguisher.

They aren't supposed to be able to tell that I have powers as a child. But when I was little I was always as hot as a furnace. My mother even burnt her hand changing my diaper. They took a wild guess.

Wow! You got it right! I was a fire elementist. I was a certified pyromaniac. (Look it up) Its one if the reasons I was taken out of public schools.

1.  I tend to be angered easily.

2. Anger = fire

3. I don't like rules

4. If I felt sick and they went to take my temperature the thermometer would melt.

So my parents had their reasons. They then sent me to a special boarding school to train me for my powers. I actually had a pretty good grip on my powers. Although it would be nice to meet other people like me. So I agreed to go. This is basically me telling you my story. So as I said. Fully aware of the fourth wall. But I think you won't mind.

Element BearersWhere stories live. Discover now