Chapter 50

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Zeb groaned as his eyes opened and he gazed around. Bludgeon was shaking his head, slowly getting up, left wing bent in an odd angle. Kallus was lying down too, clutching his left leg, a pained expression on his face. Zeb got up and opened the escape pod, gazing around the cold, underground cavern. Turning, he grabbed Kallus.

"What are you doing?!" Kallus yelled as Zeb dragged him out of pod be unto the snow.

"Just thinking about how easy it would be for me to crush your head" Zeb said pointing his bow rifle at the man.

Bludgeon jumped out from the pod and noticed how Kallus clutched his leg. Butting Zeb's knee, the Lasat looked down. The dragon gave him a look and Zeb exhaled heavily.

"But I'd rather wait for you to heal. So we can finish our fight fair and square" he said. 

Bludgeon sat down as Zeb went back into the pod, eyeing Kallus's leg carefully.

"You're expecting your rebel friends to come to rescue" he said.

"Your friends fled. If anyone is going to find us it'll be the Empire and you will be captured."

"That's not gonna happen" Zeb said turning to the pod.

Bludgeon jumped up beside his rider and climbed into the pod. Helping Zeb look for the essentials. Kallus looked over to see his bow rifle in the snow. He gripped the snow and dragged himself over to it. The Agent was about to grab his weapon when Bludgeon's claws smacked on top of the bow rifle.

"That's not happening either" he snarled passing it to Zeb. 

Kallus grunted, holding his leg before looking up through the hole they'd came through.

"It'll be night soon" he said.

"Don't tell me you're afraid of the dark" Zeb grinned, ears twitching as he went back over to Kallus with a power generator.

"It's not just going to get dark, it's going to get colder. Too cold for this to keep us warm" Kallus told Zeb.

"And here I was thinking Geonosis was a desert planet" Zeb remarked.

"Ha. That is Geonosis" Kallus said pointing to the large, sandy sphere above them.

"We are on one of its moons."

Kallus gave a small grunt be held his leg.

"How is it you bested me? Even once?"

"Oh get a sense of humour Agent" Zeb growled going back into the pod.

Bludgeon gazed at his wing with a chuff of distaste. The limb was broken no doubt which definitely did not help their situation. Kallus noticed this and sighed.

'So much for getting out of this cavern on him' he thought.

Zeb came back out of the pod with a device in his claws.

"The transponder. Probably damaged in the crash?" Kallus asked.

"If you repair it's signal, maybe the Empire will find us, before we freeze."

A roar rolled around the cavern making Bludgeon growl in an uneasy way.

"Or worse."

"I'll take my chances with the cold, and whatever were sharing this hole with" Zeb growled. 

"I know what happens to Lasat in Imperial prison."

"You don't know much" Kallus told said as Zeb paced around the cave.

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