Chapter 27

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Kyber lay on top of the Ghost, staring up at the multiple stars above. He heard a flapping of wings and looked over to see Whipash landing on the roof.

"How you doing pops?" Whiplash asked, lying down beside his father.

Kyber smiled at the name. It was what Whiplash called Kyber when he was younger.

"Just thinking" the older dragon replied with a smile.

"Not new at all" Whiplash smirked.

Kyber rolled his eyes and looked back to the stars, Whiplash did the same.

"You've been in a better mood lately" Whiplash commented.

"I feel better" Kyber told him.

"What's turned your problems upside down?"


Whiplash blinked in surprise and looked round at his dad.


"What?" Kyber asked.

"How has Kanan helped you?"

"He's meditated with me, told me what he did when he lost his master. Kanan really is a great guy Whiplash, he understands me."

"What is he? Your rider all of a sudden?"

"No. I'm still thinking about that."

Whiplash froze. Staring at his father. There was a sudden silence between them.

"Say what?" He said after a while.

"Oh kriff" Kyber muttered.

"You're saying Kanan has the dragon riding po...."

Kyber clapped a paw around his son's mouth.

"Zip it" he hissed.

Whiplash nodded and Kyber removed his claws from the dragon's muzzle.

"Kanan has the dragon riding potential?" Whiplash whispered.

Kyber nodded.

"Does he know?"

The older dragon shook his head.

"Why not?"

"I sensed the ability in him which means I'm his dragon. But I'm not ready for another rider because of what happened to Ben. I've been having a battle with my brain about whether to accept the fact or ignore it."

Whiplash took this all in.

"So, Kanan's never going to know he has the potential unless you're ready to tell him?"

"Pretty much."

"Dad, whatever you chose to do, just keep in mind that it will affect everyone either in a good way or bad."

"I know Whiplash, and I want to do it but I don't know. What if I kill Kanan too?"

"Ever heard of the reference 'learn from your mistakes'?" Whiplash asked.

"Of course. I taught it to you."

"Right. So use it."

Kyber realised what his son was telling him.

"I'm going to bed. Good night" Whiplash yawned, standing and flying down to the ramp.

Kyber looked back up to the stars.

"Learn from your mistakes" he muttered.

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