Chapter 14

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"Well. This is where you'll be staying" Hera said opening a spare cabin door of the Ghost.

"Thanks Hera. I appreciate this" Fawn smiled.

The dragons bounded inside and began claiming spots of where they'd be sleeping.

"Um, just wanted to know, you said you didn't have the Force, but you have two lightsabers. Why?"

"Oh,'s probably best if I tell everyone in the same place rather then having to repeat the story" Fawn replied.

Fawn put her things in her cabin and left with Hera to the common room. The members of the Ghost crew, Rex and Sato were already there when they entered.

"Well Fawn. You have your audience" Hera said sitting beside Kanan.

Fawn sighed and glanced at Hurricane who was on her shoulder.

"I do have the Force. And I'm strong with it. The reason I didn't tell you is because of the Empire. They don't know I have the Force and if they did, they'd go to their limits to destroy me. I haven't used my lightsabers since Order sixty six happened. Only Hurricane and Lux knew about this."

"Reminds me of someone I know" Ezra muttered, glancing at Kanan.

"So does Hope know you're Force sensitive too?" Sabine asked.

"Yeah she does, but she swore she wouldn't tell anyone. I asked her not to. My identity and secrets need to stay unknown."

"I know how that feels" Kanan sighed.

"So...You're not mad?" Fawn inquired in surprise.

"They you kept this from us? We're just glad you told us now. We need to know this stuff Fawn" Hera told her.

"I know."

Sorry it's short.
Fawn's officially joined the Rebellion!
What should happen now?
Suggestions are appreciated and welcome. 

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲

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