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Sooo I ran out of ideas for the Halloween Special, but hey, there's four story updates in one day! And if you wanted, you could change the names in the stories.

But back to the point: I am taking requests! Don't be afraid to request a story! I don't bite, not hard anyways. (Just Kidding) but give me a Greaser/Soc, and a plot and you'll have your own personal story! You can either comment down below, or message me. You can request as many as you'd like, so yeah. 

Hope you had a terrific Halloween, and I hope you have a great week!
Stay Gold, my little Greasers
And if you'd like go check out my Ponyboy fanfic! Doesn't have a lot of chapters, but I am currently working on that. School has been busy lately, but there should be an update in that book sometime this week.

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