Ponyboy Curtis 📚 (Requested)

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Here it is ekriener1023 Enjoy! ❤❤

After a long day at school, I decided to go to my spot. My spot was on a hill, kinda on the outskirts of town, and not to mention, but  you could see all of town from it. This spot was important to me, because it was a great place to think, read, and relax. It was also an escape from the whole Soc and Greaser problem, and pretty much any problems I face on a day to day basis.

I started walking up the hill, and finally got to my spot. There was a beautiful tree that I would sit up against to read a book, but today I didn't bring a book. I came up here to just think. I laid down in the soft, green grass, and ran my fingers through it.  I pick up a dandelion and twirl it in my fingers.

I only had two things on my mind...
When I had to be home, and Ponyboy Curtis. (Get what I did there? *Wink* wink*😆)

Ponyboy Curtis was the main thing on my mind. I had a little crush on him... Oh, who am I kidding? I don't have a small crush on Pony! I have a huge crush on him! He's one of my best friends, besides Johnnycakes... But he's I don't know, different? Different from other boys that's for sure! He's not like ole' Dallas Winston who'll just hit on ya, and try to get you to...ya know.... But anyways, Pony is sweet... He's not rude. He's polite, respectful, the list could go on forever...But he digs sunsets, most boys think it's girly, and stupid. Not Pony, he loves 'em....

I like Pony for many, many, reasons.. He's good lookin', he has feelings, and he's just Pony... The way his hair looks when it's greased back, the way his nose scrunches when he doesn't agree with something, or how focused he is when he's reading--.

My thoughts were interrupted when a rock rolled passed me. I turned around to see Ponyboy kicking rocks, not once looking up.

"Pony?" I say and he instantly looks up.

"Emily! I didn't know you came up here!" He says with a big grin.
Oh, how that smile gets me Everytime...

"I come up here all of the time.. It's kinda like..  my spot. Like an escape from everything.. Ya dig?" I say, looking back at the empty field in front of me.

"Yeah I dig alright... I guess I consider this my spot too. I come here when I get in fights with Darry, or I just to need to think. Clear my head most the time." He says and plops down next to me.

"I probably should get home... And I'll leave ya to your thinking." I say with a smile, and get up.

Pony grabs my hand, "Wanna stay and watch the sunset with me?" He asked with a look of hope on his face, how could I say no? I don't care if I have to be home at a certain time. It won't kill me to miss one curfew...

I nod and sit back down, the sunset had started.  I pulled my blanket out of a  hole in the tree, where I kept little trinkets and stuff in. I pulled it over us, and leaned back up against the tree. I laid my head on Pony's shoulder, cause we always lay our heads on each other. His arm slithers around my waist, and he lays his head back on mine. We sit there in silence watching all of the colors in the sky, mix together.

That was until Pony started to speak,
"Emily?" He says.

"Hmm?" I respond, and continue to watch the colors mix.

"I have to tell you somethin.." he says and I can feel his eyes on me.

"Okay, shoot." I say and continue to look forward.

"I have had a crush on someone for a really, really long time.." he trails off at the end.

Once I hear this, a sadness fills my heart, and I can feel it shattering into pieces. "O-oh..." I stutter.

I can feel his lips near my ears, "Do you want to know who?" He asks.

I shakily say, "sure", knowing he was going to Cherry Valance...

I feel his breath by my ear, "It's you..." It didn't really process through my brain quite right, "it's always been you. I have had the biggest crush on you since I met you." He whispers in my ear. I turn and look at him, he looks down at my lips, and I look into his eyes.

He slowly leans in, and kisses me! Ponyboy is kissing me! Was all I could think... It was slow, and sweet...

We both pull back, "Does that mean, you like me too?" He asked with a huge grin on his face. I put my hands on his cheeks, and kiss him again, "Does that answer you question?" I say, and he nods slowly, and kisses my cheek.

We pull the blanket back over us and I lean my head on his shoulder,  we watch the sun set, and all of the colors fading away..

I had two things on my mind, that kiss, and Ponyboy Curtis

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I had two things on my mind, that kiss, and Ponyboy Curtis.....

(Like what I did there? Hahaha it was the ending if the movie.. ha.. I only had one thing on my mind. Paul Newman and a ride home.... and then the song 😆)
Word Count: 1,009
Thank you for reading! I am taking requests! If you want one, you know the drill! 🚨 I love writing, and I love getting feed back! Let me know what you think in the comments! ekriener1023 I hope you liked it!! ❤❤❤
Btw guys, if you love the Dolan Twins, Shawn Mendes, Stranger Things, and of course, The Outsiders, please go check out my Instagram page, my username is: stranger_dolan_mendes_
And if you find it, send me a DM and tell me you came from Wattpad! Thanks! ❤🍁

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