Chapter 18.

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"Ruby, I love you, but this is so stupid."

"One: It's not stupid. And two: You don't love me, you love Ezra," she casually replied, picking up the plastic cup.

"I mean, we could have just gone trick or treating like normal people! No, we have to be here. At a party."

"Well, if we went trick or treating, you would have to walk and generally move more, but you still have a few weeks with those crutches before you're healed up."

Sabine glared at her and nodded. After a few seconds, she squinted suspiciously at Ruby's cup.

"Hey, Rubes?"


"What's in that cup?"

She shrugged and Sabine's eyes went wide.

"You don't know?"

"Of course I do!"

"I swear, Ruby, if it's-"

"Oh, excuse me! Sorry!" A guy went running past them, then froze a second and kept moving.

"Relax, 'Bine. It's fruit punch that I bought at the store before we left."

"I honestly can not believe you. I don't know what this is, but it's not punch."

"Okay, look then."

She blinked. "What?"

Ruby crossed her arms. "Then, look at the cup."

With a smile that quickly turned to a frown, she did just that. Ruby wore a triumphant smile as she took her cup back.

"See? I told you s- Wait, why's that guy coming over here?"

Sure enough, a boy that looked about Ruby's age came walking over to the two.

"Is that you?"

Sabine sighed. "In the flesh, Dylan."

With an accusing look and trying to look as tough as possible, Ruby put her hands on her hips and glared.

Thing is, she was dressed up as a jar of peanut butter.

The guy, Dylan, simply scoffed rudely at her. "You alright, kid?"

"You sane, stranger?"

"You're dressed up as something people put on bread. You don't scare me."

"And you're almost fifteen years old and dressed up as Spiderman."

Sabine couldn't help it, she burst out laughing. "Ruby! That was good!" Looking at Dylan for a second, she led Ruby toward the exit.

"Let's go."

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