Chapter​ 1.

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Hera Syndulla, eighteen year old college student, has seen a lot of things. She's been warned of a lot of things.

One thing she never seen or gotten warned about until then, however, was to lock her doors when her roommate was home.

She came back from her classes around 6 o' clock in the evening to see some man, clothes a mess, hair un-combed and hanging down his face, sitting on their couch.

Hera yelled.

"Zaluna! Get the bat, there's a freak in our dorm!"

Her roommate Zaluna came rushing out of the restroom across the hall, hair wet and dripping.

"I was drying my hair, what's wrong?"

Hera motioned to the guy on their couch.

Zaluna motioned to the hair dryer she was holding.

The guy tried to explain. "Relax, green!"


"Yeah! Your hair, it's green!"

He pointed up to her hair, which was indeed a dark green color.

Hera nodded. "Oh. Yeah. How did you get in here?"

The man stood, laughed, and moved his hand toward Zaluna. "She let me in."

She glared at her roommate, "Why did you let him in? We don't know him!"

"I've seen him around! Relax, Hera! He just needed a little help, is all! Look, I'll make him leave by your first morning class, okay?"

"You're going to get him out of here by ten o' clock tomorrow?"

Zaluna nodded quickly. "I will! The only thing now is deciding where he'll sleep."

"Not with me, I have homework to do," Hera frowned, taking her backpack over to her bed and plopping down on it.

"I never said anything of the sort, you assume things."

The man raised an eyebrow at them both. "Hmm?"

Zaluna sighed. "He'll sleep on the couch."

"Right," Hera agreed. "Then we burn the couch."


"That sounded wrong, I didn't mean with him on it. And anyway, you never told me exactly why you're helping him. Nothing seems wrong with him, besides his clothes."

As if on cue, the man stood to his feet, groaned, then fell back down again.

"Zal, he's drunk! We can't keep him here, the university has zero-tolerance on that!"

"He's beat up and can hardly stand! Be a little less judgemental!"

"I'm not judgemental," she grumbled. "Can he go home?" Then after a second, she said, "That sounds wrong, too..."

"No, he can't. His roommate kicked him out, and I found him at the library, laying on the ground. I tried to drag him by his leg and he yelled at the sky, here we are now."

"Let me get this straight," Hera sighed. "So you go to the library-"

"Uh huh."

"You find this guy beaten up. And all he'll say besides commenting about my hair is that his roommate kicked him out?"


Hera stood up, holding her car keys. "Hold up. Which library? The one here in town, or the one on campus?"

"On campus."

"Well, that means that he either goes to school here or he's trespassing. If he'll give us names of friends he has, I'll call them up and see if he can stay there."

"Uh, don't we kinda of need his name before we do any of this?" Zaluna laughed. "He might not just agree to total strangers."

"Okay," was the reply. "I'll do that later." She walked over to the guy and stood in front of him. "Hi, we need some phone numbers."

He sat up and stared at her. "What?"

"We need phone numbers."

"Look lady, you need to be a bit more specific."

"We're​ gonna call your friends to ask if you can stay with them. You're staying here tonight."

"Oh," he nodded, then started listing some as Zaluna started dialing.

After a little while, Hera spoke first. "You got a name?"

He nodded, "Usually I look much better then this, but I ran into some troub-"

"What? What's wrong?"

Zaluna came over and hung up the phone. "Okay, he's staying with a guy named Okadiah after tonight... Why's he's staring at you?"

Hera shrugged. "Hey, hey!"

"Huh?" He blinked up at her.

"You alright there? You speak English?"

"Words fail me."

She smiled, "So they do."

After a beat of silence, the man stuck his hand out. "I'm Kanan."


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