Chapter 17.

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"Everything creeps me out."

Sabine smiled at Ruby as she stared at the Halloween costumes that were still hanging on the rack.

"That's the point, Ruby. It's supposed to creep you out."

"Aren't there any... Less creepy looking costumes?"

"Sure," Sabine shrugged. She moved a bit to face the other direction, and winced as she did so. "Over there."

Ruby eagerly ran to them, and Sabine decided to look through the costumes on the rack, quickly deciding against most everything. She simply went back to drinking her smoothie, waiting for Ruby to come back.

She did, within about two minutes, holding something that looked as if it would be far too short on the already short Ruby.

"This doesn't creep me out, but there's no way on Earth I'm going as this."

Sabine looked it over. "What is it, anyway?"

"I don't know." She checked the tag, then answered. "Some evil robot fairy."

"An 'evil robot fairy'" Sabine quoted. "Because that sure makes sense."

After running to put it back, Ruby sighed. "Okay, let me be specific. Are there any other costumes that aren't too short for me and isn't an evil robot fairy, which, by the way, has nothing to do with robots?"

She thought for a second, then smirked. "Right over there."

Ruby was back even faster then before, if that was possible. "I am not going as Baymax. Or peanut butter and jelly."

"I'll be jelly," Sabine shrugged. "Not alone, though."

"Are you suggesting that I take peanut butter, and we roam the streets with plastic pumpkin buckets?"

"Well, why not?" Then she added, "It's not like we're going as peanut butter and jelly with peanut butter and jelly plastic buckets."

"You, Sabine, are the weirdest friend I've ever had the honor to live with."

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