Chapter 6.

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The next week, Ezra got a phone call mentioning a party.

"Hello?" he asked.

"You're Ezra Bridger, the freshman, right?"

"No, I'm a sophomore​."

The person on the other end laughed. "Makes sense. Anyway, I need you to come meet with me."

"I don't know you... Why should I do that?"

"It's about a party, the one at Luke's house."

"Luke? Oh yeah, he's in my grade," Ezra nodded to himself. "Why should I care about going to that party with you? I don't even know who you are."

"I'm Ketsu, Sabine's friend. So are you, and we have a problem."

He sighed, "I hate the way that you said that, what did Sabine do now?"

He heard a mumbled, "Not me, not me," in the background.

Ezra sighed again. "Ketsu, I kriffing-"

"I didn't do it!"

"Then who in the heck-"

"Oh no..." Ketsu said, ignoring Ezra.

"Oh no? What do you mean oh no? Plus, I thought Sabine wasn't allowed to go to parties!"

"Our friend snuck her out, but once Sabine realized that we left town, she got really excited and started looking around and taking pictures, which was fine. But then she apparently found some people that she used to know after we let her go off by herself for a little while, and that did not go fine. We met up again, and the three of us went off to the party..."

"And how does this involve me in any sort of way? I care for Sabine, I do, she's my friend and all, but I just met her last week and I don't need to show up and be in the way."

Before either could speak up, someone else did it.

"Kriff his kindness, make him get his blue head over here now."

"Well, she's awake!" Ketsu smiled. "How are ya now, Sabine?"

"Make him get here now."

"She wants you, Ezra," Ketsu said.

Ezra moved his fingers through his hair as he asked, "How far away are you two?"

"'Bout twenty minutes."

He sighed in relief. "Good, I don't need to borrow the car. Lemme get on a bus and I'll be there eventually, alright? Ketsu, do you have a car?"

"Yes, why?"

"Then can't you take her home?"

"Her parents think she's there, I can't just do that. And even if that wasn't the case, she's hurt. That would cause enough suspicion that I wouldn't be able to take her with me for the night, because my parents would call hers."

"Well... You come back into town, I have an idea."

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