Chapter 7.

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Ezra met Ketsu at the library, and he underestimated the problem they had.

Sabine looked pretty hurt, but nonetheless, she smiled up at Ezra. "Hey, kid."

"What the- what-"

"Relax! It's mostly just my arm, and leg."

Ezra glanced at Ketsu, "Nothing internal?"

"We.. well. We didn't go to a hospital, so... I only know what she's telling me. If we go to one, her parents get the bill. And we somehow have to sneak her back into her house, because that danged senior snuck her out before I knew what she was doing...  And we have to have textbooks or something with us to prove Sabine was actually here." When given a look, she explained.

"I told her parents that she went to the library, and they believed it."

Ezra shrugged and reached over her, grabbed a book, and asked to check it out. "The end of the problem."

"What's the time?" asked Sabine.

"Um... It's about nine o'clock or so, why?"

"Curfew..." she groaned. "I have curfew in an hour."

"Okay... Okay, that gives us an hour to make you act like you're fine and didn't get into a fight, then get you home. We can just go to the front door and knock, that part is easy."

Since she was sitting down, Ezra knelt down to her level. "You have to pretend that you're perfectly fine, at least until we get to school tomorrow, okay? Then you can get checked out by the nurse, and we can know how hurt you are."

"That's​ stupid, my parents will still be called."

They heard someone clear his/her throat, but the trio ignored it.

"Kriff... I have work!" Sabine exclaimed. "I have work after school tomorrow!"

Ezra, Sabine, and Ketsu groaned loudly, but quickly got shushed.

"Should we say you're sick?"

"I can't get fired already! I just started last week, I'm getting payed, and I actually like it!"

"Should we call you in sick?" Ketsu asked.

"But we have me with you guys, we couldn't say that. My boss would take one look at me and know that I'm not."

Ezra smiled, "You're right... But that also means she would try to heal you up a bit once we explain, maybe? Or is she the responsible type that will make us tell your parents?"

"She might be, I don't know. But my other boss, well kinda, he's not responsible like that... I think I have an idea."

"To BookBeans or whatever it's called!"

The other two cheered and got shushed again.

Once again, someone cleared their throat. "Now, you kids are going against your parents?"

"Oh, no..."

"What's wrong?"

Sabine sighed, then motioned to the guy who was looking at them, waiting for an explanation.

"It's the wise old dude..."

Ezra nodded, seeming to understand. "And we're down at the library."

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