Chapter 17

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Since that day I almost had sex with Declan. Yes I found some way to touch him. I don't ever want that to happen again. It still really makes no sense to me. The electrocution is sexual tension from our wolfs. Apparently us being so close yet so far away our wolves are lusting after each other. And apparently if we just touch in some way it cools down their needs I guess you could say. Stupid wolves. Why can't we just have normal sexual tension.

"Hey B."

"Hey Anna." he glumly.

"What's up?"

"Can I talk to you?"

"Sure. Go for it."

"Umm I found my mate."

"Congrats." he says nothing. "Isn't that a good thing?"

"She rejected me."

"Oh sorry."

"Well she didn't really rejected me but she is avoiding me."

"Can I ask who?"


"Emily who?"

"Not sure on the last name but she's from your pack." I stand up getting in a defensive stance crossing my arms over my chest.

"Problem with it?" I growl.

"Shit no no problem at all just like Dec doesn't have a problem with it but she's avoiding me. I know your pack isn't a blood thirsty rouge pack so no I have no problem at all." he says defensively.

"Good but you do know that we rouges are rouges for a reason right?"

"Yeah." he sighs heavily.

"I don't know much about her because she pretty much stays to herself but if you want me to I can talk to her for you."

"Please. I'd like to know if she's going to reject me or not." he says with a chuckle.

"Are you going to reject her?"

"Hell no. I've been waiting to get my mate." I give him a disbelieving look. "Yeah yeah I know I'm a man whore but I've always wanted my mate. Why not play the field until then."

"Why are guys such hoes?" I ask with a laugh.

"Eh where guys." he says with a shrug.

"That's not an excuse."

"I know but it's the truth." I shake my head laughing.

"Alright I'll go find out what's up."

"Thanks Anna." I just give him a short nod as I scout the training field looking for her. When I find her I walk up to them watching them practice for a few minutes.

"Not bad you guys. Josh go find someone else to practice with." he nods taking off.

"Come on puddin whip my ass." I taunts and we begin to play fight. "So I had an interesting conversation with Brandon."

"Oh yeah what about?" she ask as I dodge a kick.

"You know a little this and a little that."

"Sounds interesting."

"Yeah but the most interesting thing was about mates." she sighs heavily nodding. "So you gonna tell me or do I need to beat it out of you?"



"A few things actually."

"Go on." I grunt. "Oww nice shot." I tell her after I receive a blow to the jaw.

"Being reject for one." she says as we continue.

"I have it on very good authority he's not." she nods.

"I don't want to lose him."

"What makes you think your going to lose him?"

"I've lost everybody I've ever known plus we are fixing to go into a battle."

"He's a damn good fighter Em. I wouldn't worry about losing him."

"We are from two different world. He's from lollipops and ice cream and I'm from trash cans and sewers."

"He'll love you just the same."

"Just like Dec loves you." not he doesn't love me.

"We're not talking about me and him. We're talking about you and Brandon." she doesn't answer because we are both being picked up and thrown in a pool. When I resurface I see Declan and Brandon both laughing there asses off.

"What was that for?!" I yell.

"Lesson 101 of werewolf attention to your surrounding. Plus it looked like you could use a cool down." Declan laughs. I swim to the edge. Holding my hand out.

"Well are you going to help me out?"

"Do I look stupid to you?"

"Do you want the truth or a lie?"


"Nope you don't look stupid at all." meaning he does. Hehe.

"Then you can swim to the ladder."

"You said you you wanted a truth that's what I gave you."

"You were suppose to say no Declan your the smartest person I know."

"Now that's a lie. Get me out of here before I kick your ass."

"Like you could." he taunts.

"Get me out of here and we'll find out." he puts both of his hands out for me to take. I push myself hoping to pull him in. Does it work? Nope idiot was prepared for it.

"Did you honestly think you were going to pull me in?" he ask pulling me out in one tug.

"Eh just hoping." I say with a shrug as I push my body closer to his. He puts his arms around my waist loosely. He's wearing a white wife beater and with me getting it wet it's almost see thru. I play it off.

"See something you like?"

"Sure do. Why don't you take it off so I can get a better look at it?" he actually does once he gets it over his face I quickly spin him around pushing him in. They laugh their asses off. I stay expressionless.

"Lesson 102 in werewolf training....never underestimate your opponent." I say as I start to walk off laughing. Then stop and turn around. "Oh a lesson 103 never and I mean never let your little head get in the way." I say as I start to run off. Yeah that was a sexual comment.

"Ari you gonna get it!" he yells.

"Oooh I'm scared!" I yell back next thing I know I'm being picked up by my waist. He runs back to the pool. Throwing us both in.

"Lesson 104 never turn you back." he laughs as we resurface.

"Lesson....." I dunk him under. "105 never think you got the upper hand." I finish when he resurfaces.

"Lesson...." he pulls me under by locking his arms under my knees. "106 Never loose your footing."

"Your an ass."

"What's wrong babe? No way of winning this one?" he taunts. I put my arm around his neck. Playing it off again.

"Who says I want to win this one?" I ask as I run my finger down his jaw.

"You always want to win."

"Not this time." I whisper against his lips. He closes his eyes and just before I kiss him I dunk him then haul ass to the ladder. "Your right I always want to win." I laugh running off.

"Ari!" he growls.

"A piece of advice. Quit getting sexual flushstrated." I yell back snickering.



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