Chapter 33

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About two months ago, myself and Mark were accused of something that we didn't do. We were sat down on the settee, stared at by three of the most important people in our lives, charged with something that seemed almost criminal when we were, in fact, completely innocent. Today, we are in the same situation. But this time, innocence isn't really a word we can use to describe ourselves.

We were caught. Red handed. There's no way to avoid it. The phrase 'it's not what it looks like' most definitely would not work in this scenario. It was exactly what it looked like. And our reaction to being caught was...well, simply awkward.

It's not very easy to take in the urgency of your friend walking in on you when your whole world is exploding inside your head. In fact, it's fucking impossible. Through the yelling and groaning and general sounds of shock and horror coming out of Glen's mouth, there wasn't much Mark and I could do apart from ride out the waves of pleasure that coursed through our bodies. We knew we needed to react. I swear it, we did. We simply...couldn't.

So when Danny came barging out of his room to see what the fuss was all about, we were still a quivering mess. Lucky for us, he managed to calm Glen down and guide him away from the living room. Giving us ample time to try and come to terms with what happened. The only advice he gave to us was to 'pull ourselves together and cover ourselves up'. A little bit difficult when neither of us entered the living room with much clothes on...

So that's how we got to sitting here. Mark wearing his jeans and nothing more. Myself swamped in his boxers and the shirt that Danny threw in my general direction as he briskly ushered Glen out of the room. Staring at the three people that...

Oh. Yeah. Glen called Hallet. I don't know why she has to be involved in this. She isn't someone that needs to know about this. Well, no. I suppose that's a lie. She's our counsellor. She deals with all the issues we have, trying to help us find a way to get through life in the least harmful way. So...I suppose she does need to know. That's annoying.

But regardless. They're all standing there. Glen looking pissed off. Danny looking guilty. And Hallet looking...well, Hallet-like. And we're sat here, on the settee, like little children about to get a bollocking. Fasten your seatbelt, Alex. You're in for a bumpy ride.

“I'm not really sure where to begin,” Hallet eventually says. Oh, well that's grand, isn't it? “To be honest with you both, this isn't really how I imagined our first meeting after your holiday to pan out.”

“You think we did?” Glen's voice is slightly higher pitched than normal. “You think I wanted to call you up and tell you that they...”

“Of course not, Glen. I'm sure that was...”

“Traumatic. That's what it was.”

“Well, that's a bit of an overreaction, don't you think?”

“No. I don't. I thought they would have had the sense to tell someone that they'd...they'd...”


“Whatever you want to call it. I thought they were sensible enough to let us know. So that we could make sure that everything would stay safe.”

This is ridiculous. Glen's acting like we murdered a man or something. All we were doing was having sex, for Christ's sake. Albeit a much more intense session. But it was still only sex. No need to react so badly, is there?

“When did this start?” The question is directed at us, but neither of us decide to answer. “There's no point in blanking us out. We've caught you out. You might as well spill the beans.”

I glance over at Mark, mainly avoid their eyes. The expression on his face is totally different from my own. Whereas I'm starting to feel a little guilty in this whole thing, he looks like he couldn't give a shit about guilt. Sat there with his arms crossed, glaring at them all, brow crinkled in a lack of amusement. He isn't going to budge. I see it in his eyes. This is something that he doesn't feel that they have a right in knowing. Stubbornness really is his biggest flaw, I suppose.

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