Chapter 17

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I hate walking through that room. They do it on purpose. Twice a day, we have to walk through that room. Straight line, eyes front, listening only to them. That's what we're meant to do. But, of course, you can't hide what's in there.

He's in there. Kappa. He has been for a couple of weeks now. They put the 'bad ones' in there when they break the rules. I don't remember what he did. I don't think we ever found out. We just know that he did something bad.

To us, he's dead. That's what they try and tell us. And if we look at him, we're dead. We speak to him, we're dead. If we try to feed him, or give him water, then we're dead. If we acknowledge that he exists, then we become the new him. It's fight-or-flight here. And sadly, we all choose 'flight'.

I've had to try and shut out the sound of his crying. And when the tears stopped, it was the sound of his pleas that I had to ignore. And when those stopped... I couldn't block out the sounds that came next. The laboured breathing, coming out as wheezes and whines. No one can ignore those.

I looked. I know I shouldn't, but I did. They weren't watching me when they were yelling at some other kid, so I flicked my eyes across to him. Only for a second. Just a heartbeat. But it was long enough.

The boy that I know isn't there any more. The one in the corner of the room is just a shadow of that person. I can see his ribs, his cheekbones, his spine...All the things that should be rounded with skin and muscles are sticking out in ways they really shouldn't be allowed to. His skin that was once so flushed and healthy is just grey and clammy, clinging to the bones to try and stop him from falling apart. And I'm pretty sure I saw his heart beat fading away.

He's dying. They're killing him. And I can do nothing to save him.

I wish I never looked. I wish I could take back that moment and still be in denial about what they've done to him. But I can't. I made the choice to break the rules, and now I suffer the consequences. I have to sit here, night after night, remembering that broken soul in the corner of the room. I've had to have his face haunt me as I get on with the jobs I've been given. I've had to try and forget that he's my friend and make him just another part of the scenery.

I've become what they want me to be...

The door opens and I glance up from the floor. They're here. What have I done now? I've been on my best behaviour all day. I even did some extra jobs for them without complaining. They can't tell me off. I don't deserve it. Not today...

But then I see the reason for their visit. In one of their arms is the frail figure of Kappa, shuddering and coughing. Practically on the verge of death. The sight breaks my heart, but also makes me wonder what their game is. Why bring him to me when you've been determined on keeping him apart from everyone? I don't understand their mind games...

Fix him.”

Two simple words before they place him down beside me. His chest is barely moving, making horrible squeaking noises as he inhales. His limbs twitch as he rests there, lips moving to words that I simply cannot hear. And they expect me to fix this? By the time I look up at them again, they've long gone.

I breathe out and focus solely on Kappa. Fix him. I have to fix him. How can you fix someone that's practically on the verge of dying?

Kappa?” I ask softly. As expected, there's no answer. “It's me, Kappa. It's Echo.”

Nothing. There's nothing from him. If his lungs weren't making that terrible sound, I would think that he was dead. What do I do? What does he need? What can I...

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