Chapter 29

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I've changed my mind. This waiting thing isn't all that bad.

I mean, sure. It's a little boring. Hanging around, waiting for Sam and Lee to arrive to their own party. But I've gotten a whole new outlook on this whole wedding thing. Instead of being horrifically irritated at the fact that they haven't arrived, I'm horrifically irritated that they haven't arrived...

I repeated myself. I know. But it makes sense when you think about it. I would usually be pissed off that they were keeping us waiting. Holding back with their own selfish needs, completely oblivious to what it is that I want with my life. Today, however, I'm pissed off that they aren't here for me to share in their happiness. Or, rather, Sam's happiness.

My fidgeting is not amusing the man next to me however. All his attempts at stopping my continuously impatient bopping aren't working in the slightest. Gentle kisses, soft caresses, little nose nuzzles. None of these usually distracting methods are having any effect on me. I just want to see Sam in her princess dress again...

“Come on, little butterfly,” he soothes into my ear. With great difficult, I must add. Very difficult to speak to someone when their head won't keep still. “They'll be here in a second.”

“I want to see them now.”

“You're so impatient...”

Impatient isn't the word. I've almost reached the point of pure desperation. Not being able to see that wonderful sight of true happiness in front of me is beginning to hurt. I can feel the anxiety in my chest start to burn, and Mark isn't the one that can ease it. Not this time. This feeling will only be ceased by...

“Ladies and gentlemen! Mr and Mrs James!”

I squeak happily, spinning around to where everyone's eyes are looking. There she is. The fairytale princess herself. Arm in arm with her Prince Charming. Smiles as big as anything on their faces. I want to join in on their happiness.

My feet are moving before I can even think about it. I hear Mark's shout of protest, but it doesn't really register. Right now, he doesn't matter. I just want...

What do I want? What exactly is it I want to do? I'm not really sure. In the short journey across the room, it's come to my attention that I have no idea what I planned to do when I reached my destination. How embarrassing...


I snap my eyes up, and see that I've come to a halt right in front of Sam and Lee. Seeing her so close up in amazing. There's no hidden flaws in the mask of make-up that she wears. I'm hesitant to even call it a mask. It moulds so perfectly to her face that it actually looks like it's natural. And on that face is an amused smile, anticipation for what my intentions were. Say something, Alex. Say something...

“You look like a princess.”

The words barely mumble out of me. I'm too humbled by her presence to be able to speak any louder. But she heard me. Her face flushes and the smile widens. And I even spot some tears welling behind her eyes.

“Thank you, Alex.”

My arms lock around her neck before I realise what I'm doing. I hear her tiny gasp, sensing her doubt. But this isn't anything dangerous. Not today. This is a simple hug, one that I'm surprised to even be doing. But it doesn't feel wrong. It feels right to be hugging her. And when I hear her chuckling and return my new act of friendship, I realise that it feels even better this way.

“Thank you for letting me come to your wedding.”

“It's okay.”

“I had fun.”

Hurricanes (Book 2 of the Mark Sheehan Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now