Chapter 8

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If you don't want to hear all of this. This is a sensitive chapter. It contains of abuse and rape scenes. You'll know when 😥 pops up.

"Coach it's better if me and Veronica are driving to the meet to get used to each other. I mean everyone has a past."I said.
"Veronica your driving Ava and no arguments. Talk it out."Coach said.
"Bag in the back ."Veronica said.
I place the bag in the back.
"One stop."I said.
"The loft?"Veronica asked.
"The loft."I said.
We stop by the loft and Tristan gets in the car.
He cuddles next to me.
"Watch it brother!"Veronica said.
"One guy belongs to her. She's marked."Veronica said.
He growls.
"She belongs to Hale. Remember you treated her like shit."Veronica said.
"So have you."I said.
"Under Deucalion's orders. I hate abusing someone who don't deserve it."Veronica said.
"Pull over. I want to show you something."I said.
She pulls over and gets out as I do the same and gets into the driver's seat and drive.
"Hand."I said.
"What are you doing?"Veronica said.
I hold my hand out still and she hands it to me.
I flow my magic into her palm as Tristan whimpers.
She sees my memories.
She then knocked out by seeing all of my memories.


Veronica's POV
I give her my hand and she flows her magic into me and I see her memories.
"Camden. Pwease don't weave. Come back to us."Ava said in her three year old voice.
"I'll come back Ava. Don't piss daddy off while I'm gone. Keep an eye on your brother too."Cam said.
"Ok."Ava said.
He picks Ava up and hugs her.
"I'll miss you"Cam said.
Camden leaves.
Six years later her dad got a phone call.
"I already lost my woman and now my favorite son. What am I going to do with these two idiots."Ava's father said.
"Daddy what's wrong?"Ava asks.
"Your brother died and your mother died and it's your fault he left."he said.
"No it wasn't. It was his decision dad."Ava said.
"Did you back talked me?"he said.
"No."Ava said.
He slapped her.
"Leave her alone! She didn't do anything to you!"Isaac said.
"Go Ava! Don't watch this!"Isaac said.
Ava runs to her room and she hears beatings downstairs.
"Come out! Come out! Where ever you are Ava? Daddy just wants to talk."he said.
He hears her sobs.
"Stop! Give her to me! Don't do anything to her! I want her!"Ava hears someone say.
Ava opens the door and see a man.
It's Deucalion.
"It's okay sweetheart. He won't hurt you."Deucalion said.
"Don't hurt him. He's my only pawrent left."Ava said.
"Come here Tristan. I want you to make her yours."Deucalion said.
Tristan rapes Ava.
He hears her sobs and all of the 'stop' but he keeps raping her.
Four years later.
"Your dad is just finishing off your brother so just stay with me. Or I'll tear him and your father apart. Maybe I could have some more of you."Tristan said.
"No."Ava cries.
"Tristan who is here?"I ask in my fourteen years old voice.
"My girl. Now leave."Tristan said.
"Help!"Ava said quietly.
"Tristan don't tell me your hurting someone."I said.
"Mind your own business sister!"Tristan said slapping me.
"You changed. You bastard!"I said yelling.
He laughs.
He beats on me.
"Tristan!"some girl yelled.
"She's your sister not your plaything!"a girl said.
"Fuck off Kali!"Tristan said.
He roared at Kali as Kali roared at him.
"Bring your plaything home. It's getting night."Kali said.

I wake up and see that I'm in a hotel while everyone is standing by the bus.
I see Tristan sleeping on my seats.
She has been worse.
All of us Alpha's destroyed her.
I didn't help her from my brother raping her.
Deucalion taking her from her family.
Her brother and mother died.
Her father died last year.
Kali didn't help her through anything.
Her father blamed her on her brothers death and her mother's.
We owe her everything.
I can see why she stood up to him and turned him into a wolf.

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