Chapter 13

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Braedon is driving me and her to the Calaveras.

We arrive at the place.

"You killed anyone before?" Braedon asked.

"The other me did." Ava said.

"Well we need her." Braedon said.

Ava feel Luna take over.

"Let's go!" Luna said.

They rush in and kill the people.

They head downstairs and see Derek and Peter.

Luna unlocks Derek's hands as Braedon unlocks Peter's hands.

Peter hurries to go over to his severe finger.

"Let's go." Ava said as Luna hides away.

"No, we're not leaving without it." Derek said.

"Without what?" Braedon asked.

"Can't touch it." Derek said.

"Mountain ash." Ava said.

Braedon reached down into the box and pulled out a container.

"This?" Braedon said.

Braedon handed the container to Derek.

Braedon then leaves.

"Let's go home." Derek said.

Ava then slapped Derek.

"I deserve that. I'm sorry that I broke the promise, but it was for a very good reason." Derek said gulping.

"Then explain. Explain to me why you had to get caught by the most feared hunters on earth?" Ava said.

A dude starts to wake up as Ava kicked him.

Peter looked at the dude.

"I would choose your words carefully, she is scary when pregnant." Peter said.

"I'll explain at the loft, but first we need to get Peter's finger sowed back on." Derek said.

"Fine." Ava said getting in the car.

"Don't bleed on my seats, Peter." Derek said as he looked at Ava who was playing with her magic.

"What happened to the shocker?" Derek asked.

"Destroyed it." Ava said smiling.

Derek gives Ava the 'are you serious' look.

"I'm kidding. Deaton said I don't have to wear it, if I keep using my magic so the child doesn't take it." Ava said.

"How far are you?" Peter asked.

"Only a month, why?" Ava asked.

"You have a long time to go." Peter said.

"How long do wolves carry a child?" Ava asked.

"Nine months." Peter said.

"Great." Ava said.

They arrive in Beacon Hills as Derek speeds his way to the loft.

Derek arrived at the loft.

"I'm surprised you didn't get a ticket from the sheriff." Ava said.

"I'm going to Argent's house to spend girl's night and in the morning you my dear love will tell me why you broke my promise and why you haven't been answering my calls?" Ava said.

Derek sighs as Ava leaves.

Ava arrives.

Chris opened the door.

"Girls night with Allison." Chris said.

"You sound horrible. Don't worry we're just studying to get up our grades." Ava said.

The next day Ava makes breakfast in the kitchen as Chris heads to the kitchen.

"I'm sorry if I woke you up." Ava said.

"You didn't wake me Ava. Never knew you could cook." Chris said.

"No one besides Isaac and Derek. Always cooked since I had to or I would be abused, but since it stopped I guess it is now a habit. Would you like some eggs and bacon?" Ava asked.

"Please." Chris said.

"What's wrong? You seem stressed out and exausted." Ava said.

"Never had anyone help out. It was always me and the girls but you make it seem easier." Chris said.

"Always lived with boys. I'll be surprised if I do have a boy. Easier to take care of." Ava said.

The girls wake.

"Hello girls, finally awake I see." Ava said.

"You made breakfast dad?" Allison asked.

"Actually I did." Ava said.

Veronica eats.

"What she can cook? Did it for me when Tristan was over." Veronica said.

Allison and Lydia eats as they fall for her food.

"Wow." Allison said.

Ava smiles.

"Well I better get going girls. Have a great day Chris. Relax." Ava said.

Ava leaves and heads to the loft.

"I'm home, boys." Ava said.

Derek comes up to me and kissed my head.

"Explain?" Ava said.

"I had to be caught by the Calaveras so me and Peter could get the container. It had the claws of my mother and what she took away from me. She talked about you. Practically an angel to her. I didn't call because they took my phone." Derek said.

"Well you owe me a date night." Ava said.

"Anything for you, but you have school in an hour." Derek said.

"Well why don't you want to join me for a shower then?" Ava said.

They shower together and Derek gives Ava hickeys.

Ava gets dressed as she sees the hickeys.

"Since you gave me two hickeys, I'll give you one for now too be even." Ava said smiling as she kissed Derek on his neck.

"Fair is fair. Now I'm off to school." Ava said grabbing the keys to his Camaro.

She sees Scott and everyone talking.

"Am I missing something?" Ava said.

"Ava this is Kira. Kira this is Ava. Isaac's sister." Scott introduced us as Kira holds her hand out.

"H-hi." Ava said

"She's not used to new people. No one can touch her. She has seizures." Lydia said.

"She's deaf?" Kira asked.

"In one ear. My crew damaged it last year." Veronica said smiling.

"Bethanie, put the poor girl down. Don't let me beat you up again!" Veronica yelled.

"Don't worry about Veronica. She owes Ava a lot and so does her crew." Scott said.

"What do you mean owe Ava a lot?" Kira asked.

"Ava was abused by Veronica's brother, who is now in prison. Veronica was under her brother's circumstance and made Ava's life a living hell last year. She's nervous around new people. Her boyfriend, you will see mostly daily." Stiles said.

"Why will I see her boyfriend daily?" Kira asked.

"She has to go to the doctor every one month. Probably two times a week since she's pregnant." Stiles said.

"I-is-isa-isaac, y-you coming t-to art." Ava said.

"Let's go Ava." Isaac said.

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