Chapter 19

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Two months later (Ava's POV)

I wake up and see that I am in the hospital with Luna in sight. "Luna!" I cried. Luna touched me as she goes inside me. "How long was I out Luna?" I asked. "Two weeks. Your now three - four months." Luna said.

Melissa comes in the room and sees that I am awake. "We were frightened you wouldn't wake darling. Don't worry Derek hasn't left besides using the bathroom and eating. Just getting you a new IV bag. I'll tell Doctor Elise that your awake." Melissa said. "So what happened while I was in a mini..."I said as Melissa cut me off. "Coma. Well Allison and Aiden died. Stiles is not possessed by the nogitsune anymore. Veronica decided to leave Beacon Hills to go to New Orleans. Isaac and Chris left to bury Allison in France. Now its summer again. Oh my ex-husband Raphael came back." Melissa said.

"They didn't deserve to die." I said. "I know. I'll be back with your doctor." Melissa said. I nodded as I take the IV out and the breathing tube out. I carry the bag that has the feeding tube. I go walk to the bathroom as I looked myself in the mirror. Wow. My hair is cut shorter and my hair back to the boring, normal brown hair.

I walk back in the room as I sit on the bed with the feeding tube. How is Derek paying for this? It seems expensive. I don't want to use his money. I feel as if I'm a gold digger. My doctor comes in the room.

"Ava, my favorite patient. Your finally awake. We uh decided to put a feeding tube down your nose to keep the children alive." Doctor said. "Can I know the gender of the children?" I asked. "Well you should ask your boyfriend when he wakes up. I believe he has the sonograms." She said leaving the room.

Derek wakes up as I am laying in bed watching tv. The nurses keep coming in here to check if my IV bag is indeed need of changing or if my feeding tube needs food.

"Your up?" Derek said groggy. "I've been up for awhile. You look like you been struggling to sleep in the past two months." I said as I turned the light dim as he glowed his eyes. "Luna's back!" Derek said as I nodded.

"You should go home and take a shower. You smell." I said laughing as he chuckled. "Only because you told me too." Derek said.

Two days later and I don't hear, nor see Derek anywhere. So I told Melissa if I could've stay with her at her house and she agreed. "Ready to get out of here Ava?" Scott said as I shrugged. Turns out that I can't keep regular food down so they gave me a feeding tube. 

"Raphael, do you do anything besides check on Scott, sleep, and eat?" I asked sitting on the couch. "Well I go to work." He said. "At the Sheriff's station?" I asked. "Uh huh." He said. "Well I am going to catch up with all of the homework that I've missed out on." I said. "Need any help." He asked. 

"Sure." I said. He doesn't know that I am pregnant as I cover myself up in a blanket. I rub my stomach. After two hours of doing homework. I finally place them in my bag.  Melissa comes down. "Come on. Up up up. Time to change the food." Melissa said as she helped me up. 

"Wow." Raphael said. "What? Didn't know I was pregnant?" I asked. "It's not Scott's, if you are wondering." Melissa said. 

"Where is he by the way?" Raphael asked. "He went camping with friends." I said. "Where?" Raphael said. "Don't know. Don't care." I said. "Aren't you his friend?" He asked. "Yes, but I intended to stay back so Melissa can help me. After all I am a teen whose pregnant." I said. 

"Let's get you walking

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"Let's get you walking." Melissa said. I get up. We get out of the house to walk around. "You and I both know that they are getting Derek from Mexico. So you won't tell Raphael that they are in Mexico." Melissa said.

"They will come home by tonight when you have to go to the hospital. Besides I can't let them know that I am pregnant with Derek's children." I said. "Your scared? I mean I wouldn't if I were you. You have the moon spirit inside of you." Melissa said. 

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