chapter 23

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Sawyers POV:

I was feeling a bit tired so I took a nap on the couch.

An hour later I woke up to a crash and Tyler's scream.

"WHATS WRONG!" I yelled across the house. I ran into the kitchen to a bottle of wine broken on the floor and Tyler just standing there looking just as startled as I was. "What happened?" I asked after helping clean up.

"Well I was going to be romantic and surprise you with a bottle of wine but I dropped it and it clearly broke." He laughed.

"How about we just have some vodka like our first time," I winked.

"Actually I'm kind of tired now... I think I'm going to go to bed, sorry babe." He kissed my cheek.

Later I was a bit romantically frustrated and Tyler was already sleeping and I didn't want to wake him so I cuddled with a pillow and drank a cup of hot chocolate with peanut butter mixed into it. I finally began to feel tired so I brushed my teeth and went to bed.

Tyler's POV:

This morning I woke up and I could barely breath through my nose, I was so congested, my throat hurt, and I felt sick. Great...

My continuous sneezing woke up sawyer, I felt so bad. He made me a cup of tea. I stayed in bed all day listening to audio books and eating chicken soup. I felt like crap but at least sawyer was with me to make me feel a bit better.

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