Interviews and broken mirrors

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After I told Justin the truth about my dad things slowly calmed down, Justin and I fell into a routine. We would wake up in the morning and eat breakfast that was laid our by Pattie, Justin would go do things like interviews, go to the recording studio or meeting with agents and producers, sometimes I came with, but most of the time I hung around the house.

One afternoon I was flipping through channels when I came upon a channel doing an interview with Justin. I knew he was out meeting with his agent so this one must have been pre-recorded.

I sat patiently through introductions and the hostess, who was a girl with short blond hair make bad jokes.

Finally Justin came out.  They started talking about his tour and career.

“So Justin have you got any special girl we should know about?”

“Well I really like this one girl.” I smiled tentatively thinking he was talking about me. 

“Ohhhh, tell us about her!”

He laughed and then complied, “Well, she’s the sweetest girl I’ve ever met! She’s so down to earth, and caring and selfless. She’s never one to boast and she’s very humble.” Well maybe he wasn’t talking about me, I thought after I heard all that. “And she’s absolutely gorgeous.” I gasped. Tears brimming around my eyes. I knew he wasn’t talking about me! I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up!

He was probably talking about some supermodel that is stunnily beautiful, I bet she has an awesome body and had the perfect upbringing in a house with a white picket fence.

I caught sight of my face in the mirror on the wall next to me. I couldn’t stand to look at my face any longer so I ripped the mirror off the wall and threw it against the door. It broke and the mirror broke into hundreds of pieces that glittered the floor.

Some where In the back of my mind I realized that I was being overdramatic and that I would regret it later but at that point all the wanted was to curl up in a ball and cry.

I know this is really short but The next chapter is gonna be really long and I didn’t want to cut it because its gonna be really drama filled! 

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