LXXI- Confrontation

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Eve sits up front with the driver, allowing Shawn and I to sit in the back together. She turns to look at us, her eyes lowering to our hands clasped together. "You two are a cute couple. Different from the last time I saw you."

"Different how?" I question.

Eve smiles, "You're not distant." She has a point, I was already too far gone when she met me. "I don't really condone student-teacher relationships but I understand where you were coming from." Eve says, seemingly to Shawn.

He makes eye contact with her. "Not many people would understand."

"Yeah well, let's just say I've been there." Shawn nods, I've told him about Dean's father.

"I want you to know that I'm here in case Dean tries anything." He seems so serious, almost like he's warning her.

To my surprise Eve seems nonchalant about it. "I figured as much. He's different now though, he's gotten the help that he needs."

I guess I'll see for myself when I get there. 

The rest of the ride she talks about the dress rehearsal tonight. She mentions that Dean has his own place and won't be with us until then. "I want to take you shopping for a bridesmaid dress today. Maybe we'll find a dress for you tonight."

"Oh, I didn't know I was a bridesmaid." It seems a little personal considering she's only met me once before.

She gives me a worried look. "Only if you want to be. I made the list a month before you came down and never changed it."

I laugh nervously, "It's fine, really."

"Good, and Shawn, my fiancé Brent, knows the best tailor in southern California. We'll get you a suit on us." I look up at him. We weren't expecting all of this but it's impolite to refuse.

Eve turns back to the front, giving us some privacy from the rest of the ride.

Shawn leans in closer to me, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, don't worry about me."

"I'll stop worrying on the plane ride home."

"When we go our separate ways for God knows how long." I remind him.

Shawn lifts my chin, something I'm accustomed to and love. "I don't want to think about that." I look into his eyes, they're so beautiful. Everything about him is beautiful. He doesn't want to think about it but it's all that's been on my mind. Shawn lets go of my chin, dropping the conversation.

He seems happy now, like his fresh start has been everything he's ever wanted. He's only been gone a month but, I can tell.

"We're here." Eve announces as the car comes to a stop. "Brent is inside, we'll get your bags in your rooms and then we'll have to leave to get the dress. We only have until tonight so I'm sorry you can't settle in first."

I shake my head. "Don't be." It's been a long time since I've been shopping so I'm actually excited.

When we get inside the house, Brent is waiting for us by the door. He grabs our bags almost immediately and takes them upstairs for us. When he gets back down he kisses Eve on the cheek and then turns to us. "I'm Brent, Eve's fiancé." He introduces himself to Shawn.

"I'm Shawn Morgan." I'm a little disappointed he didn't say he's my boyfriend but technically he never was. Especially now.

Brent gets a confused look on his face. "Why do I feel like I've heard your name before?"

Eve laughs, placing her hand on his chest to grab his attention. "I'll explain later. We should get going."

"Right, are you ready?" He asks Shawn.

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