LVIII- Back and Forth

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I promise things will get resolved soon but for now some feeling need to come out. I hope you enjoy!


The next day Shawn and I go with everyone to the new building. As soon as we arrive and begin to go inside my phone rings. I look down and see that it's Becca. "I have to take this, I won't be long." I promise my mom.

She agrees so I press answer and hang out outside. "Hi, Bee." I greet my friend.

"How's New York?" She sighs on the line, "I'm super jealous by the way." My trip was such a short notice that I only had time to send a group text. This resulted in having to call both Jenny and Becca individually. They were not happy to hear that I would be gone for three weeks. Honestly, I don't blame them. I was just as shocked to find out I would be leaving that following Monday. Not to mention the noticeable shock from seeing Shawn at the airport.

I walk over to the bench and sit down. It's a rusted green color but clean enough. "I think it's safe to say I'm in love with it. I toured NYU's campus yesterday and if I get in there's no doubt I'm going here."

"Well I have no doubt you're getting into that school." I just wish I didn't have to come here alone. Adjusting would be the hardest part.

Before I can thank her I hear Seth's voice, "I miss you!" He yells into the phone.

I laugh, "I guess I miss you too, Seth." When he found out I was going to New York his first reaction was, "Without me?" I had almost forgotten that he's from here. Which part I'm not sure, but he grew up in the state.

Bee speaks up. "She says she misses you too." I picture her shaking her head on the other line. "He keeps telling us that you two are going on a date when you get back."

I think back to last week when he asked me out and I told him I'd think about it. "I never said yes." I remind her.

Becca shuffles on the other line. I'm assuming to move out of earshot, "I don't know why. He seems to really like you."

"It's not that simple." I argue.

"Look, I can understand that you'd be scared but every guy isn't Dean." I know she has my best interest in mind but she doesn't know the other half of the story. She doesn't know about Shawn. Then again I've had countless opportunities to tell her. It's just easier said than done.

Seth's voice is back and louder the closer he gets to the phone. He takes the phone from her to talk to me, "I can't believe you left without giving me an answer." His voice is light and laced with amusement.

I know that I don't feel comfortable with it because of Shawn. Then I remember that Shawn is moving on in two months. Maybe I should take Becca's advice and move on too. "Fine, one date. Don't get any funny ideas though." He might be more serious about this than I am. I will at least set some boundaries right away. I don't want anyone getting the wrong idea. If I like him then I like him. If not, then I'm not going to string him along.

"Yes!" He says in excitement.

I smile, thinking about the look on his face. "Great, now give me the phone back."

"Here you go."

"Livia, I'm glad you came to your senses but lunch is almost over so I have to go. Keep checking in and be safe." I promise her that I will and hang up.

I stand from the bench and turn to see Shawn watching me, "I just came out to check on you. New York isn't the safest place." He excuses his eavesdropping.

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