XXIX- Answers

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Shawn's P.O.V.

Katherine hangs up the phone, looking at me with her big doe eyes. "What are you even doing here?" I ask.

She flips her jet black hair and smiles, "I told you, I missed you."

Katherine walks up to me and places her hand on my chest. I pull away from her, "I left you a long time ago. You're not welcome here."

"You're always playing hard to get aren't you Kevin?" I think back to when I knew her, so much has happened since then. "Is this about Livia? She's pretty but I'm definitely hotter than her."

I rack my brain, how does she know about Livia? "Trust me you're not," I argue, "I don't care what you want just leave."

Katherine hands me my phone and grabs her bag, "Actually Kevin, I think I'll stay a while."

    Livia's P.O.V.

I spent the entire night thinking about Katherine and everything she said about Shawn. We agreed to start over but if someone is going to out us then how can we? All I know is I need answers, so after first period I wait for everyone to leave and close the door. "We need to talk." I demand.

I make my way over to his desk as he looks up at me in confusion. "Livia I-"

"I got a call from Katherine last night, you never said you had a girlfriend and what's worse is she knows about us." There was never really an us, I understand that. However it doesn't change the fact that what we did behind classroom doors could get the both of us in serious trouble.

Mr. Morgan sits there with realization finally hitting him. "I don't know how she found out."

"Who is she?" I know she's his girlfriend but I want to hear him say it.

He doesn't. "She's...hard to explain." Mr. Morgan stands up, "Please, come by after school so we can talk."

I want to demand for him to tell me now but I realize the bell will ring any minute. I'm not rational right now, it's best to wait until after school.

Before I can verbally agree Dean walks in, "Livia, are you ready?"

"We'll talk about the assignment later." I tell Mr. Morgan before walking out with Dean.

When we get down the hall he grabs my hand and frowns, "Where's your ring?"

I reach in my pocket and put it on, "Sorry, I'm not used to it yet." The truth is that I don't know how Shawn would react to Dean and I getting engaged. Then again there are a lot of things about Shawn I don't know.

The day goes by slow, like it just knew I had somewhere to be at 3 O'clock. When school finally lets out I kiss Dean goodbye and make my way to Mr. Morgan's room. I want to know everything even if the answers hurt. "Livia." He says when I walk in the room.

"Uh-hi." God, why am I so awkward?

"Come in and close the door." I do what he says but stay close to the door.

I lift my slipping bag back on my shoulder as I wait for him to start talking. When he doesn't I ask, "Why did she say your name is Kevin?"

He stands up and walks over to me, "Kevin is my first name but I go by my middle name, Shawn."

"Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend?" I want to cry, I feel like I've been lied to even though we were never together. Even though I have a fiancé and no right to judge him.

Shawn hesitates before answering, "She's not my girlfriend, we had a thing a little more than a year ago. She had a drug problem so I broke it off. She got sent to rehab and I moved here. I didn't think she would come looking for me Livia. I have no idea how she knows about us." The only other explanation is that she saw us.

I believe him but there's just one more thing I have to ask about. "Was she your student too?" If he says yes then it means he doesn't like me, it means he used me and I don't know how I can take that.

"There's so much I need to explain." He says, I know he's stalling and it hurts because it wasn't a no.

I repeat the question, "Was she your student when you two were together?"

His eyes bore into mine and I know exactly how she felt when he would look at her. "Yes." He whispers. I open the door and run out into the empty hallway. "Wait, Livia!" He calls after me. Shawn grabs my wrist and turns me to face him, "It's not what you think."

"Really? What am I supposed to think? You take advantage of vulnerable students Shawn. Katherine had a drug problem and you already know about me." I was stupid to think he actually liked me, that he wanted to help me. All along he really just saw how sad I was, he saw an opening.

"That's not what happened, Katherine came onto me and I was in such a bad place that I didn't care what happened to me. You're different, you have to believe me."

I pull my wrist from his grasp, "I don't have to believe anything you say to me. This whole thing was a mistake." That much I already knew, but there was so much more to him.

Shawn opens his mouth to say something but his gaze lowers to my hand. "Is that-?" He trails off but he knows exactly what it is.

I had forgotten to take it off, "Yeah, it is." I confirm.

"You can't be serious!" His burst of anger startles me enough to take a step back.

"Why do you care?" I yell back.

Shawn gestures at nothing, "Because he hurts you, Livia." His voice has lowered but he's still reeling in anger.

I shake my head, he doesn't get to play that card. "I don't even know who the hell you are."

Shawn closes the space between us, grabbing my shoulders so that we're so close, "Listen to me, you can't marry him." He demands through his teeth. "You're in high school for God's sake."

"We're waiting until we're out of high school. I've made my decision so you don't get to pretend like you care anymore." He seems to relax slightly, searching my face for something.

Suddenly Shawn leans in and presses his lips against mine. I give into him instantly, not thinking about how mad I am or how confusing he is. When he pulls away his breathing is heavy as he asks, "Does that feel fake to you?" I want to say yes and run away. I want to be smarter about the fact that he's done this before. Despite that I know when he kisses me he means it. "I care about you Livia, and I know you do too." He's right, I can't get him out of my head. Not to mention I wouldn't be so mad about Katherine or hide my engagement ring from him if I didn't at least care.

Despite how we feel it's wrong and it needs to stop, I need to pull away. I need to be smart about this for once because at the end of the day Mr. Morgan could just be playing me. The tears finally break through and I begin to cry. I'm so sick of crying so I wipe my tears and place my hand on the back of his neck. "That's not enough." I softly reply before pulling away. I'm done being mad so I wipe away my tears one more time before I turn around and walk away. This time Shawn doesn't stop me and I can't deny that I wish he would've.

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