LVI- Fate is a Bitch

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As we make it through the airport with our luggage in tow, I try to catch up to my mom, "What flight is it again?"

"I think Dianne has a private plane," She answers as she looks up to make sure we're going the right way. "If I can remember where it is."

At first I was confused as to how Dianne got so much money, but then my mom cleared it up. Apparently Dianne helped some rich family's daughter go to rehab. They were so grateful that they gave her a really nice share of their company. It didn't take long for me to figure out that the daughter she helped was Katherine. The only thing is that Shawn is the one who convinced her to go back to rehab. I guess that means Katherine lied.

"Here." My dad says, pointing to Dianne with her back turned.

We walk up to her. "Good morning, I'm glad you didn't get lost. I almost did myself." She laughs and looks to her side.

"The pilot is ready if you-" Shawn stops when he notices my family and especially me.

Dianne turns to him, "We are, you remember Olivia and Danny Gardner."

He's surprised, almost as much as I am, "Of course, Hi." He says, pulling himself together and shaking their hands.

"Mr. Morgan." I say awkwardly.

Dianne notices the tension and tries to ease it, "I hope you guys don't mind, he's who I chose to look over everything and make sure it's all in order."

My dad shakes his head, "Not at all, better you than a stranger." He jokes.

I keep staring at my teacher. He's wearing similar clothes to mine. He has on comfortable clothes which make sense for a long plane ride. I myself decided on a gray hoodie and leggings. "Are we ready?" Dianne asks.

I don't talk as we board the plane. I chose the very back while my parents and Dianne take the front. Shawn is up a little further than me and across. I guess I just assumed he wouldn't be able to take off for three weeks. Two if you count spring break, but still. I thought I was going to get away from everything and everyone but I'm going to have to be more careful than ever now.  I'm assuming the only reason Dianne hasn't outed us yet is because she's trying to protect Shawn. Why she's being so nice to me now is a different story.

Once we're in the air I pull out a book and try to focus on the story in front of me. I can feel his eyes on me so I look up at him. When our eyes meet I suck in a breath. How does he always have this affect on me? We're trying to figure everything out but it's hard when he looks at me like that, I don't know how to feel.

I force my gaze back on the book and glue my eyes on the printed ink and cream colored paper. My brain keeps me distracted so I end up reading the same paragraph over three times. After the fourth time I shut my book. Maybe falling asleep would be easier, so I adjust my neck pillow and close my eyes.

"Livia." I open my eyes to the sound of his voice. "We landed."

I take my seat belt off and stand up. I didn't mean to sleep through the whole thing but I'll take my win. "Here, let me help you." Shawn says as I try to grab my luggage above me.

"I got it, thanks." I dismiss, getting it myself. I have no reason to be short with him but I'm upset that he's here. What's worse is it's not even his fault and I know that.

The ride from the airport to the hotel consisted of a very long car ride in the passenger seat of a taxi. The man driving was creepy and he kept glancing at my legs the whole time.

When we finally make it to the hotel I can hear Dianne asking about Shawn and I's rooms. For a minute I think I'm going to end up with my parents. Then she comes back with a defeated look on her face, "Since Shawn was a little last minute he has adjoining rooms with Livia. It just means the two rooms are connected but there's a locked door so it's really up to you.

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