LXIV- Friends Lie

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Trigger Warning guys, this chapter is a little rough but I hope you enjoy nonetheless. Believe me when I tell you it was a hard one to write.


I hit the bag as hard as I can, while still keeping my posture. "So, how was your date?"

I internally roll my eyes, knowing he's asking if anything happened between us. I hold out my arms to steady the bag, "Do you want me to punch the bag, or do you want to talk about Seth?" I question.

Shawn stuffs his hands in his pockets. "I'd rather talk about Seth."

I stop my movements and walk over to him on the bench. I'm sweaty, and smelly, and gross. "Nothing happened, if that's what you're getting at." I reach down beside him to pick up the water bottle and drink from it before setting it back down.

"As far as Seth is concerned, she's right." I look up to Hunter, taking a break from the treadmill. "Absolutely nothing happened, pretty boring if you ask me." He gestures for me to throw my water bottle so I do.

He catches it easily and waterfalls it into his mouth.

I look at Shawn, "See, I'm going back to punching the bag." I walk over and take a deep breath before hitting it just like Shawn taught me.

I know it might be weird that Hunter is with us but he's the only one who knows we're a thing. It's nice to have a third person to talk to about stuff. So when I told Hunter about his home gym, he asked Shawn if he could join.

Hunter puts his air pods back in and goes back to the treadmill.

Shawn stands up and walks over to me, "Why are you hitting it so hard? You're going to overexert yourself."

"I'm fine." I promise, in between punches.

Shawn gestures to the punching bag, "The bag won't be fine if you keep hitting it like that."

I stop and sigh at him, "Do you want me to stop?"

"For my basement's foundation sake, kind of." I pull away from it and take my gloves off, stuffing them in the cubby Shawn keeps them in. "What's going on?"

I look up at him, "Nothing."

He lifts my chin to hold me there in place, "You can talk to me."

"You guys aren't going to makeout are you?" Hunter yells over his music.

Shawn let's go of my face and turns to him, "No!" He yells back.

Hunter stares at him for a second, "What?" He yells louder.

"No!" Shawn repeats. Hunter waves him off, looking anywhere but us now. Shawn shakes his head before turning back to me. "Weren't you just about to tell me what's wrong?"

I move to my bag and pull out a letter before handing it to him, "It's a letter back from NYU."

"What? Why haven't you opened it?"

I point to it, "It's small, it's a rejection letter."

Shawn examines the letter, "That's not necessarily true. You should open in."

It came in the mail last night and I've been too scared to see the contents of the letter. If it says no then I don't know what I'll do. Ever since the trip to New York I've been obsessed with going there. My computer is even filled with research about the school. "I can't, you open it."

Hunter stops running and walks over to us, "What's going on?" He asks with heavy breaths.

Shawn deadpans, "She won't open the letter from NYU."

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