XXIV- Forgive Me

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"Can you just listen to me please?" Dean pleads, standing outside my door. My parents aren't home and I'm honestly okay with it this time.

I try to shut the door but Dean pushes on it, stopping me from doing so. "There's nothing left to say. I'm sick of your apologies." I know what I did with Mr. Morgan that night was wrong but I don't think the mistakes can compare.

He doesn't give up, "I was drunk, it won't happen again."

"No this happens every time, you hurt me and expect me to just forgive you. You can't keep doing this to me. It's not fair." I told myself I wouldn't give in unless he makes a difference, unless he truly changes. 

Suddenly he suggests something that I mentioned previously, "What if I get help?"

I look up at him, "Like go see a therapist?" I ask.

He nods, "My Dad has one, I could ask to go see his."

"You'd really do that?"

Dean walks in completely and shuts the door. "I'd do anything for you. I don't like who I've become either. Please give me another chance."

If he gets better, if he stops the abuse and truly gets the help he needs then I'd be able to forgive him. Dean and I could pick up where we left off before anything bad ever happened. We could be happy.

Then there's Shawn. We have something undeniable but it's not real. At the end of the day we could never have a relationship. Our whole ordeal is pointless and I know that. Dean is the one for me, I know I can feel what I used to feel if he goes back to the Dean I once knew. I want to ask if he cheated on me that night like he suggested he would. Then I remember what I did that night, and how I'm the one that's at fault.

"Okay, but I want some space until I see a real change." If he can respect that then maybe we still have a chance.

"I can do that...thank you. I love you Liv-Livia." I'm surprised by his change in my name but in a good way. It means he's making an effort.

I know I should respond to him saying he loves me but there's a hesitance I feel. Once I push past it I tell him, "I love you too."

"Surprise!" My mom and dad say in unison as they show me a car in the garage.

I give her a puzzled look, "You bought a new car?" I ask.

My dad chuckles softly, "No, we bought you a new car."

"Well not new, it's used." My mom adds.

I take another look at it with excitement bubbling inside me. It's a silver Honda and absolutely gorgeous. "Are you serious?" I question, this would be a cruel prank otherwise.

They shake their heads as my dad explains, "You finally had your test and passed which meant it was time to get you a car. We're sorry for putting it off for so long." He hands me the keys as I jump up and down thanking them profusely for my gift.

Becca has spent the whole week letting me practice with her car ever since Dean and I decided we needed space. It was a bad week up until I took the test and passed but this tops that any day.

My parents let me go for a spin in my new car so I pick up Becca and thank her for helping me practice. Dean is at his first appointment with his therapist and even though it's early I'm really hoping this works out for us.

Becca smiles wide as she gets in my car. "I'm so happy for you! Now if we could only talk Jenny into getting a license." She jokes as she examines the interior. "Where are we headed?"

I shrug, "I figured we could go visit Jenny. I haven't talked to her much since the masquerade." With everything going on I haven't really talked to anyone.

We make it to Jenny's house where we notice both Jake and her parents' cars in the driveway. "Should we call her?" I ask.

"Way ahead of you." Becca responds with her phone out and ringing.

When Jenny picks up she sounds like she's been crying. "H-hello?"

"Hey what's wrong?" I ask, concerned.

She sniffles over the line, "I told my parents." She explains.

Becca and I look at each other, "Oh no." Bee says.

"Y-yeah...didn't go s-so well." That much was obvious, I knew they would be hard on her. I want to go in there and be there for her.

"Bee and I are at your house, can we come in? Or maybe you and Jake could come out?" I suggest.

"Yeah o-kay climb through my window." She states before hanging up.

Bee and I make our way around to her room where she's waiting for us with an open window. Since her house is one story it makes sneaking in a lot easier. Once we're fully inside I walk over to Jenny and give her a hug. Jake is sitting next to her on the bed, holding her hand.

"I'm guessing they were pretty mad." Bee states the obvious and sits down on Jen's chair across from the bed.

"It was awful, they called me a disgrace among other things." She starts crying again and Jake kisses her forehead to soothe her. Once she's calm enough to talk she says, "Th-they want me to give it up for adoption." She sobs burying her face into Jake's chest.

Jake pats her hair and holds her, "They can't make us do that, Jen." He reminds her.

"At least they don't want you to abort your baby." I say in an attempt to make light on the situation.

Jenny pulls away from her boyfriend and looks at us, "They'll disown me if I don't give it up for adoption. Then what am I going to do?"

Just then Jake grabs her attention, "What if you come live with me?" He asks, surprising us all.

"What?" She questions as if she hadn't heard him correctly.

"Well I've been thinking that we could move out and get an apartment. I've saved enough money and I have a decent job." The more he talks about it the more excited he gets at the idea. Jenny is speechless as he takes her face in his hands, caressing her cheek with his thumb. "What do you say Jen?" I know Bee and I both can't believe what we're hearing. It sounds crazy starting a family this young but if anyone can do it it's them.

"I say hell yeah!" Jenny beams hugging him and making him fall back on the bed. "Do you really think we can do it?" She questions with so much hope in her expression.

They sit up. "Yeah, I do."

"Wow." I say as I take in what just happened. I looked over at Bee whose mouth is wide open in shock. I almost laugh, I don't think she was expecting that either.


There you go I hope you liked it!

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