LI- How is Everyone Else Doing?

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I asked Hunter to be Mr. Morgan's TA for the rest of the week. I haven't even been over to workout in the mornings. I just don't want to be alone with him right now, whenever we're alone I get confused. It's not his fault but I don't know how to feel anymore.

Now that it's Saturday, Jenny and Becca are here to spend the night. They walk in with snacks and takeout. Becca is complaining about Luke so I walk in the kitchen with them to join the conversation.

Becca runs her fingers through her long black hair in frustration. "What's been going on with you and Luke lately?" I ask as I press my elbows on the cold marble countertop and rest my chin on my hands.

Bee shakes her head, still clearly frustrated. "We're just arguing about college."

Yeah, I know the feeling. "Tell us about it." Jenny presses as she takes the snacks she brought out of the grocery bags. Her nails have been done recently so she does this task very carefully.

Bee looks between the both of us as she fills us in. "He wants to take a semester off to travel.

Apparently he's been saving up some money."

"What's wrong with that?" I question.

Becca shrugs, "Nothing really, I just don't know where I want to go for college. Let alone taking a semester off and being behind." I understand where she's coming from, they want two different things.

Jenny finishes what she's doing and places her hands on her belly, "Why don't you just do your first semester online? Jake and I decided to just go to online college, that way we can still take care of the baby." I think it's amazing that they're still pursuing college even if it's online. Jenny always told me how excited she was to live the college life. I think movies influenced her excitement a lot.

"That's actually a really good idea." Bee decides as she pulls out her phone, I'm assuming to message Luke.

"What do you want to go to school for?" I ask both of them.

Becca shrugs, "I'm undecided."

"I kind of want to go to fashion school? I know it sounds crazy but It's the only thing I'm really good at." It's not that crazy. Ever since we were kids her parents have taught her how to sew and make dresses from scratch.

My only concern is taking those classes online. "Can you do that kind of thing online?"

Jenny nods, "I can but I don't plan on being online for all of college. Just the first two years to get my unimportant classes out of the way."

I lift up from the counter. I know Jenny is good at sewing and I've seen some of her designs, but she doesn't talk about it much. "I just thought of something!" I say, getting everyone's attention. "Why don't you design our prom dresses? Then you can decide if it's something you want to seriously look into."

She smiles, "Yeah. I would love that thanks, Livia." Prom isn't for a few more months but I can't wait to see what she comes up with. "What about you? What do you want to do?"

"Journalism." I tell them, "I want to share other people's stories."

"What about your story?" Bee questions. "You could always tell your story."

"Yeah your life is full of drama...well it was before Dean left." Then there's Shawn, he's my teacher and yet I'm in love with him. I couldn't write a story about Dean without Shawn in it, it wouldn't make any sense.

"Maybe." I say but I know I probably never will. Shawn could lose his career and Dean too probably. I know he deserves it for everything he's done but Shawn hasn't.

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