That Girl

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Alex's POV:

I was beyond humiliated. For the past week, every headline on the VMAs was "Miley Cyrus twerks on Robin Thicke", or "The loudest acceptance speech of the night: Rotten language goes uncensored live". Yeah, I bet you can guess who that was about.

I read every atricle I could get my hands on. "Two ex lovers brought it to the stage. Vic saved them from further embarassment. Left in tears." They all touched on in some way.

Of course, some were unbiased, and only cared about the performances and winners. Other articles bashed either her or me, which was completely understandable. We both said some pretty awful things about each other. Since then, we'd made an effort to be a little nicer to each other. Today, we were in Wisconsin, playing a familiar venue. I had woken up, and started searching the internet for more articles.

The more I saw, the more worked up I got. I couldn't even read most of them, yet, I couldn't stop. I felt like there were still things lingering between Marina and I. Something needed to be done.

I snuck out of my quiet bus, heading over to hers. I opened the door. For some odd reason, everyone seemed to be acting absolutely crazy. Colby was making a puzzle, screaming because she couldn't find the last piece. Kianna was doing her hair in the bathroom, screaming to Colby about how she should shut up. Michelle was doing buissness work on the computer, not paying any attention to the other girls. Emily was lying on the couch, a large pickle hanging out of her mouth, yelling at everyone to quiet down. She kept turning up her Law and Order. I felt very awkward.

"Oh, hey Alex." Emily said.

"Um, hi. Is Marina here?" I asked.

"She's in the back room, probably masturbating." Kianna answered from the bathroom.

Emily laughed. "She's just getting dressed."

"Thanks." I mumbled, before Colby screamed again, making everyone but Michelle scream right back at her.

I knocked on the door.

"Come in!" she answered.

I turned the knob, to see her wrapped in a pink printed towel. I felt slightly uncomfortable. "Is this a bad time?" I asked.

"You've seen me naked a billion times before." She countered.

How true. I sat on the couch. "It's crazy out there."

"Oh, yeah. Emily's been a lot worse with her moodiness lately." She rolled her eyes. "It's like having her on her period for nine months."

"Oh, that sounds fun." I said with sarcasm. "How are you, Marina? How have you been?"

"I've been puking a whole lot less, that's for sure." she let out a light laugh. "What about you, Alley Cat? Something on your mind?"

"Actually, yes, Big Butt. We're making headlines everywhere for that little scene at the VMAs." I replied.

She stopped looking through her endless mound of clothes to look at me for a second. "People are gonna forget it. And if they don't, oh well. There's nothing we can do about it. We're on great terms with each other right now, and that's the only thing that matters."

I took an exhale. She was right, as she always was. "I guess I still feel bad about it. Vic was right; we didn't just embarass ourselves, we embarassed everyone."

"Things happen. They're better now." She touched my shoulder for a moment. Chills ran across my body.

She moved over to the cabinets again, until she saw something she wanted to wear. She stood on her tiptoes, then the bus shook. I assumed it was the girls moving around. She stepped on the silk scarf that was on the floor, and slipped. She started to fall, but I stood immediately and was able to grab her wrists. She paused for a moment.

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