Break Out! Break Out!

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Alex's POV:

This past week with Marina had been nothing but a dream. Finally, she was my girlfriend, and everything had worked out beautifully. We did two shows, and fans there and on twitter were mostly supportive. I'll be honest, some were quite negative, not only to her, but to me. However, our less jealous fans tended to handle that before she or I had to.

Today, I was without her. We were at her graduation, before it actually, and she had to be with her class. I found a seat close to the front. The wind barely tickled under my nose. The band was great, and they played renditions of pop songs. As the clarinets blared, I asked myself, would I cry when she walked? I hoped not. All of the All time Low boys and Still Burning Daylight girls sat beside me. As more people piled in, I hardly even noticed the young Austrailians.

"Oi! Alex mate! I heard you've been fucking my girlfriend!" one yelled out to me.

Ha, it was Michael Clifford. "Dude, you can't just yell that out! There are kids here!" 

He sat beside me. "I guess that wasn't a very appropriate greeting." he laughed, giving me a bro hug. His joke was that he and Marina were dating. I don't know where it came from, but it came from somewhere. 

"Luke!' Colby squealed, running over and hugging him. he swept her off her feet. I questioned to myself how long it would be until they're together, just like Rina and I.

"Get a room!" Kianna teased.

"I never thought we'd be able to find this place. It's way out here, isn't it?" Ashton questioned.

"We probably look like idiots right now, with our three big buses." I added. "I really appreciate you guys coming out."

"So now this is all on you because she's your girlfriend?" Calum questioned.

"Why do you guys find this so amusing?" I asked.

They sat in the seats behind us. "It's just been a hell of a long time coming." Luke explained.

"I wouldn't be one to talk if I were you." I spat right back.

Everyone said "Ooh!" and raised their hands in the air, but Colby and Luke just blushed. As everyone continued chatting for a small while. I was sitting next to Emily, who was mostly talking to Zack, but after a while turned to me. "This has been killing me for the last five minutes. If I tell you something, never EVER tell anyone I told you. Except Zack or me or Marina."

"Ok, deal." I easily responded.

"Colby and Luke have already slept together."

"You're kidding!"

Emily just laughed. "Nope. Just once, though. They met at a bar our first tour together, and got drunk, and slept with each other."

"But why didn't they start a relationship?" I asked. "I mean, they've been all over each other since they met. I can't imagine they just want sex."

"I'm still not sure why they don't. Colby never explained quite why to me or Marina. Maybe they just aren't ready for the commitment. You have to remember, Colby's never dated a band guy before. Neither has Kianna. Marina and I have, and as of yesterday, are currently, so I guess Colby isn't quite ready for that transition. And you know what, neither is Luke."

 "Crazy kids." I stated.

"Crazy kids." Emily echoed.

The band started playing the Empire Strikes Back as the teachers came out. I laughed. It faded into Pomp & Circumstance as the students approached. I noticed that the tall ones piled on first, making Marina one of the last ones to walk. She sat, and winked at me. I made a heart with my hands. She blew me a kiss. 

Oh, Calamity (Alex Gaskarth/ ATL fan-fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang