Chapter 12

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*Jada's p.o.v*

"Isaiah get your ass outta here!" Samantha yells as Isaiah dodges her an runs next door. Those two are something else. I slept pretty good last night in Isaiah's arms. I wish every night could be like that. Here I am at work feeling kinda funny. I've been having this bad feeling since we got here. I hope Tyler doesn't plan on showing up here. Wait I forgot he's banned. Whew thank God. I don't want anymore problems. Especially not on the job.

"Jalo!!!" Tiffany yells walking in. I swear I'm not hard of hearing but everyone acts like I am.

"Tiffany it's too early." I call out to her looking down at the register.

"Keep yelling you gone get fired!" Sam yells from the back. Tiffany rolls her eyes as she walks to the back. Today is going to be long I can feel it.


Tyler's p.o.v*

"So you remember the plan right?" I ask looking at a confused Randy.

"I don't know man. I'm not even trying to get involved y'all business."

"Just stick to the plan."

He lets out a deep breath before saying,"What if her boyfriend tries to kick my ass?! I swear I'm not taking a beating for you."

"Relax randy an stop calling him that. Jada will never be his."

"Uh huh. What's in it for me?"

"Is three-hundred enough?"

"Alright man an I'm not playing when I say I'm not getting my ass kicked over you. I swear I'll have your head."


*Isaiah's p.o.v*

As I was walking in the parking lot I spotted the familiar blue mustang . As I walked closer to it I heard his voice an crouched down an began to listen to their conversation. When it was over I jogged back to the elevator .There is no way in hell this punk is going to ruin my baby's day. This kid just won't stop. Jada says he likes her but I think it's deeper than that. Much deeper . Either way I'm not letting him or whoever that was with him mess up this relationship. I guess he didn't learn from that first ass whipping. I really don't want to hurt this kid but if he lays so much as a finger on her again I'll break it off.

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