Chapter 25 - Attack.

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It had been two weeks since the first plan for the Final Battle was made, nothing had changed about the plan and that was something the Dark was glad for.

Hadrian, his mates and their friends were in the game room of the Palace, it was filled with every game that they could imagine both Muggle and Magical. The large group had split into smaller groups in order to play the games, often rotating who played what so everyone got the chance.

They were interrupted when one of the Vampires came bursting into the room in a panic. "My King, Queen and Prince we are under attack!" The Vampire said in a panic.

"Calm down." Balthazar said kindly, once the Vampire was calm he spoke again. "Now what is this about an attack?" Balthazar asked softly.

"Wizards, both young and old are gathering at the borders and bringing down the Wards around the Nation." The Vampire said calmly.

"Who is leading the attack?" Tom asked, he had a feeling he knew who was behind this but he didn't want to say anything yet.

"I'm not sure. It's an old man with white hair and a long beard, he is also wearing ridiculously bright coloured robes." The Vampire said, he jumped when everyone in the room growled.

"It's Dumbledore! He must have the Order, Teachers and Students with him." Hadrian said with a growl.

"Yes and we will fight them now, they must not be allowed to enter the Wards! We can move the Nation if we need to but the Wards have to be intact or it will just be found once more." Amara said. The Vampire Nation had been moved around many times in the course of its existence, people who find it are either killed or Oblivated and the entire Nation is moved. However if the Wards are taken down and then it is moved there was a high chance that the Wards could be tracked.

"Everyone who needs too wear masks, it is not the time for the Light to know who we are but they can know we exist." Hadrian said. Everyone nodded and reached for their cloaks and masks, which disguised them from head to toe.

"Good, then we move out!" Balthazar said. They rushed out of the room and gasped in shock, the Light were almost through the Wards.

"It's too late! We won't be able to stop them from breaking through." Amara yelled in defeat.

"We will still fight and win mother, once we have done I will take us to a new home that no one would ever think to look for the Dark." Hadrian said with a sneer. This had been his parents home, where his people lived and a safe environment for any creature, he was not happy it was now to be lost.

"We will get through this love, remember it is not the place that is home but the people you are with. All those who survive this fight will be welcome to come with us, then Dumbledore will get what is coming to him." Balthazar said trying to comfort his wife, which worked when she smiled at him.

They looked around the Palace once more before leaving it behind, as they walked out the Light had broken through the final Ward.

"What do you want old man?!" Balthazar yelled out, he growled when Dumbledore just smirked at him.

"Balthazar, it's been a long time." Dumbledore said with his twinkling eyes.

"Not long enough old man, you know you are not welcome here any longer! Leave now and no one will die today!" Balthazar said in a strong and confident voice.

"You are not the King of us, besides this is the place of Vampires, who are Dark and disgusting creatures we will rid the World of." Dumbledore said, the Light all cheered at the words while the Vampires growled.

"You will never win!" Amara yelled loudly, Dumbledore turned his beady eyes on the woman who was a Queen.

"Hey eyes of my mother old man!" Hadrian yelled. They had learned that Dumbledore and all those who knew anything about his kidnapping and re-homing were no longer able to remember it. Apparently Hadrian was very powerful even as a baby, he was able to wipe all memories of stealing the Vampire child and placing him as Harry Potter (they still remembered their fake prophecy as well as the lies and betrayals).

"Oh, you finally found your son." Dumbledore said with a smirk. He could remember stealing the child from the Vampire Nation but was not able to remember what he had done with the child, he just presumed he had killed it and been done.

"Of course they did, do you think I would have stayed away from my family?" Hadrian said with a smirk. "We Vampires always find our way back home." He finished with a smile.

"You won't win this fight!" Ronald Weasley yelled, Hadrian sneered when he saw Ron and Hermione holding hands as if they had never done anything wrong in their lives.

"And you think you can!? There is more then just Vampires here!" Amara yelled, she whistled loudly and more beings came from around the Light.

The Light were shocked. They could see Vampires, Werewolves, Veela and Phoenix's. "What are all these creatures doing here?" Hagrid asked, since he loved all creatures this was a sight for him to see.

"They were here for a visit and decided to stay a while, the Vampire Nation has been known to be one of the most beautiful places to be." Hadrian explained with a smirk. In truth none of the Creatures had left after the meeting 2 weeks ago, but he was not going to tell the Light that.

Dumbledore raised his wand with a sneer and said one word that got the fight started. "Attack!" He had yelled.

Hadrian and the Vampires all rushed into the fight, he made sure that his mates and friends were always in his line of sight. Pretty soon he was facing the old man himself.

"You shouldn't have come here old man." Hadrian said, baring his fangs.

"There is nothing you can do against a Wizard." Dumbledore said before firing a spell, Hadrian smirked and raised his hand. He placed a shield around himself, one that was made of magic that Vampires were not able to have.

"You have magic?! But that is impossible!" Dumbledore yelled, he had never heard of a Creature having any Magical abilities.

"Oh but you see I am a special case." Hadrian said, he slashed his hand in front of him. Dumbledore shrieked in pain before collapsing to the ground, he had a severe cut along his stomach.

"Everyone cease fighting!" Minerva yelled, she levitated Dumbledore of the ground and called the Light to retreat. They all sheathed their wands and apparated out of the Nation.

"We will be back." Dumbledore said, he was barely conscious however.

"Oh, we won't be here when you do come back." Hadrian said with a sneer.

And with that the remaining Light members apparated out of the Nation.

"What do we do now? Our home is ruined and will surely be attacked again." One of the older Vampires said. Hadrian sighed and stood up, he spoke with a spell on his voice so everyone would be able to hear him.

"I know this is sad for us all but we must move past this and carry on. I have a place for us all to go, somewhere that the Light would never know about let alone find us. All those who wish to come may do so." Hadrian explained, the Vampire's all looked at him.

"And where is this place my Prince?" One of the woman Vampires asked in a loud voice.

"Slytherin's Castle." Hadrian said plainly. The Nation smiled brightly, no one knew the location of that Castle or even that it was a real place. They would be safe there.

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