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Maxwell's Journal:

That was a close call... Everything was nearly lost in an INSTANT!

I can't let her know about my financial situation yet. The fact that I have to work 3 jobs at once just shows it. Since Nikki attends WCD she must be pretty rich, and that is something that I am not (well, not anymore anyway).

I knew that I was going to regret getting a job there. It's humiliating enough to wear a bear suit, let alone to turn around to see your crush and her family calling for you to take their order... WHILE YOU'RE WEARING THAT BEAR SUIT!

I froze like a dear in headlights the moment I saw them, I tried my best not to make a fool of myself by making my way over to them. I knew that if I used my normal voice, it was game over. So I put on the CRINGEIEST Barney the dinosaur impression.

It worked, she didn't know it was me. Even though I was cringing inside at my loss of self respect, I thought that it was going pretty smoothly. UNTIL someone who I assume is her sister asked

"Why does the bear sound like Barney the dinosaur?"

Hey, you're telling me.

Her mother told her to behave herself. Apparently her name is Brianna.

They ordered, and Nikki ordered the birthday cake sundae. For some STUPID reason, my instincts kicked in to make conversation with her. I asked if it was her birthday IN THE BARNEY VOICE!

Brianna then threw a tantrum and yelled

"I WANT THE BARNEY BEAR!" as she LATCHED onto me like some 6 (I'm guessing) year old leech. And I still had to stay in character, which thankfully I did. I could see that Nikki felt embarrassed by the scene that was created since she hid her face. I felt truly sorry for her, this is what she must put up with on a daily basis. That takes some true strength.

I also felt sorry for her mother who apologized to me, I knew that if Brianna continued to throw a tantrum it would become an increasing problem. So I recommended the Teddy bear special sundae, and said I'd pay for it... Still putting on the voice.

It seemed to calm her down, problem solved.

I told Teddy (my boss) that he can take the cost of the sundae off of my paycheck. That's kinda a large financial blow for me this week, not good.

Maybe I should take money out of THAT fund this week, but I do feel guilty considering how that money was obtained.

The things that people do for love...

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