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Maxwell's Journal:

Okay, so I have thought this through.

I was awake all night reading books and online columns about relationships (I wonder if WCD has an anonymous advice column I could use?) and I have noted some pretty good hints.


I am taking a shot in the dark by guessing that she MUST have a best friend. And judging by her conflict with this 'Mackenzie' girl, she must have had a friend to console her. Therefore, she must think very highly of that friend and relies on them in times of hardship.

If I could become friends with her friends then I could earn some serious points and score a high advantage over Roberts. However, if this friend of hers is already good friends with Roberts then that could be a major problem. But a few 1ups over him and I should be given the advantage.


Since that Mackenzie girl is such a nuisance to her, a great way to get close to Nikki is to show that I am someone that she can rely on. So, if I see Mackenzie bullying Nikki I will be the first to step in and tell her to back off. Never in my darkest dreams would I ever THINK about hitting a woman. Instead, I can knock Mackenzie down VERBALLY not PHYSICALLY.


Simple, focus on what we have in common.


Dislike of CCPs.

We're both commoners attending on scholarships.


June is the last month before summer vacation, so I must establish some method of communication over the summer. Because if I don't, then why am I even bothering to attempt to woo her?

I have 20 days until the deadline of June 20th...

Darn, time is not on my side at all. Plus, I need to impress Principal Winston if I'm going to study at Westchester High.


This guy will be a pain. In another life we could have been friends. That is...if he's the kind of guy he makes himself out to be.

If he really is this kind-hearted, puppy petting, smiling, charitable human being...

Then he would be a better partner for Nikki than I could ever be.

HOWEVER, it's still possible that he values his reputation more than her, and I can't stand that.

The only people who actively portray themselves as nice guys are chronic narcissists.


1. Befriend her friends.

2. Be reliable.

3. Focus on what we have in common.

4. Establish summer communication method within 20 days.

5. Don't let Roberts get TOO far ahead.

Finished, and a new month will begin this war.

It's me against Roberts,

I hope he's ready...

Because I am.

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