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Brandon's Journal:

This is bad... VERY bad.

I don't know what I have done to deserve this but whatever I did I am very regretful for.

Maybe this is some bad dream that I can't wake up from?

Nikki was once again absent so I decided to finally talk to Maxwell. (not NIKKI Maxwell but Maxwell as in 'the guy'.) I found him walking alone in the north hallway and decided to strike up a conversation to properly introduce myself.

I'm pretty terrible at breaking the ice. (Seriously, have you seen how I try to start conversations with Nikki?) I decided to 'accidentally' bump into him and I was then able to start a conversation with him.

"Whoops, sorry dude." I said.

"That's your response? I expected more than that." He replied.

"Wait... What response? What are you talking about?" I seemed pretty lost on the situation.

"I won't repeat myself."

"Response to what?" I asked.

"Monday. Surely you saw the smirk on my face." he said to which I felt my confidence slightly drop.

"Wait, you smirked at me on monday? Sorry I had no idea." I lied, I was not going to let this guy best me. So I tried playing dumb.

"I know you saw it. You looked so defeated at the thought of me talking to Nikki, didn't you?"

"Uh, what?" I continued my façade.

"Don't fret, this isn't something to be slightly worried about." He reassured me.

"R-Really? That's great because I thought you-"

"It's something you should be VERY worried about." His look of reassurance turned to an expression of malice.


No... This isn't happening!

"S-Sorry, I don't think that's true. I'm pretty happy right now, not a care in the-"

"Don't lie to me Roberts."

"What?!" I was surprised that he knew my last name, I haven't even introduced myself yet!

"Brandon. That is your name, correct?." he asked.

"What's it to you?" I narrowed my eyes at him, standing my ground.

"Let me make this CLEAR, okay. Max used to talk about you a lot. I know who you are, so don't bother introducing yourself."

Oh come on, Max! This is NOT helping me!

"Are you some kind of creep or something? Because that's pretty creepy how you know so much about me when I have never talked to you before this moment." Yeah, take that!

*Slight laughter* "I promise you that it isn't like that. I'm no creep, especially since I didn't ask for him to share this information with me. It's just convenient."

"Sorry if that did seem a little harsh, calling you a creep and all..." I'll admit, I probably crossed the line there.

"Apology accepted. But I won't apologize for my intentions."

Intentions? So this guy IS planning something!

"And what intentions might they be?" I asked hoping that he wasn't going to say what i thought he was going to say.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm the future boyfriend of Nikki Maxwell."

With those 10 words, he had completely torn me limb from limb. But he awoken a fire inside of me that I have not seen for a VERY long time.

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