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Maxwell's Journal:

As usual, just when you think everything is going to plan, someone has to stand in your way.

How am I supposed to compete with someone like him?

If I was no match for Max before, then what chance do I stand against someone like Roberts?

This concept of love is complicated. Nobody has ever taught me how to approach these feelings, or how to deal with them.

My only experience with love is through the novels I've read.

If this was a novel I would struggle for a while as me and Nikki were brought closer overtime, before some event would lead to a large-melodramatic-unrealistic confession. To which I would be accepted, it's the same story in whatever novel is read by anybody or whatever movie is viewed. Guy gets the girl... Pure cliché, and it works every time.

But in real life...


This isn't some novel!

Also, that doesn't even begin to compare to the complete disadvantage that I have been given. Brandon has known Nikki for 9 months. Me? I have known her for 9 DAYS. And have only had 2 conversations with her whilst he has had I can only assume to be hundreds.

They're both too transparent with their feelings for each other. It's shocking that neither one of them has made a move yet.

Perhaps it isn't meant to be?

Think about it. If Roberts and Nikki were destined to be a couple, then surely they would have done something about it by now.

Personally, I think he's hesitant. Someone who thinks he's too good for a 'commoner'. If he truly loved her, then he would put that love above his reputation.

Instead of worrying about what his 'CCP buddies' will think.

He's playing her like a fool, and I can't stand that. She's completely enamored by him. As much as I hate to survey someone's private matters, I did see a lone piece of her diary on the ground.

It said...


I was clueless at first as to what this meant, was she in a relationship? OR did she just have a crush on someone?

But then I remembered that Max told me that someone called Brandon couldn't stop talking about a girl called Nikki. I thought that it may have been coincidental.

I waited a little and took my chances by talking to her on Monday, and boy did it pay off BIG TIME.

Nikki and Roberts are good friends. Yet they are blissfully unaware of eachother's feelings.

Preferably, I want to keep things that way. That pretentious boy won't get a single opportunity to make a move.

He's had too many opportunities. Now, it's my turn. This isn't his love story anymore.

Planning and strategising is something that I am pretty good at before I do something. It payed off for my time during the school exchange program. I shall now construct an overview and strategy.


Due to my lack of conversation time with Nikki, I am plagued with disadvantages. My best shot would be to get to know her better through meeting and talking lot more. She works in the library so I should occasionally (so I don't seem suspicious...or creepy) drop by to see her. Maybe I can get her phone number (if she has one).


I have had two conversations with her and I am considered to be her friend. I wonder how many conversations it took Roberts to make it that far?

If I can be swift with my advances, I can break through the proverbial 'friendzone' and reach success.

After all, Roberts is her friend...and it's going to STAY that way.


I am an artist (just like her), I specialize in drawing people. Also I don't like to brag but I am a whiz at human psychology. It seems like my two specialties are linked in some way... people. I have an understanding of people and I am often told that I am very observant, this gives me an advantage in getting to know people better (it also allows me to quickly spot and correct any mistakes that are found within my artwork).

My financial situation as a commoner places me at a disadvantage. Sure, my inheritance is enough to cover my rent on Hidden Lake Drive... But I still have to work a part-time job if I'm to have any money to spend on myself, or others.
The alternative would be to eat into those funds, but it will only damage me in the long-term.

Commoner or not, I can only assume that Roberts has more money than I do.



Tomorrow, I shall think up a strategy to create some ADVANTAGES.

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