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Nikki's Diary:

I feel SO embarrassed right now, I have the most BRATTY little sister in the whole world. NO, make that the ENTIRE universe!

It all started at noon, I was practicing some new art techniques before my Mom barged into my room without knocking and said

"Get ready dear, we're having family fun time today."

"Family fun time? How wonderful, I wonder what dangerous and embarrassing task we will be doing today. Maybe sailing in half a boat OR skydiving without a parachute!" But I just said that in my head so nobody heard that but me.

Instead I simply asked what we were doing today.

"Your father is taking us to a brand new restaurant! And this isn't any ordinary restaurant, it's entirely themed around ice cream!"

Maybe this wasn't so bad after all, I had a sudden craving for a sundae. I agreed and got ready and thankfully Dad drove Mom's car instead of the roach van. Everything was going smoothly without any embarrassment and then we arrived.

This place seemed pretty cool! It was a place called the I.C Palace, Mom wasn't lying when she said that it was entirely themed around ice cream. It had several booths and tables for sitting at, it felt kinda weird that we were sitting at a table and had to order from a MENU for ice cream.

The waiters were dressed in these giant teddy bear costumes, some job that must be for them everyday.

" ready to order?" said our waiter, it must be the poor guy's first day on the job. He seemed pretty nervous. I've worn a giant rat suit before and trust me it WASN'T a pleasant experience. He put on some Barney the dinosaur voice.

"Mommy, why does this teddy bear sound like Barney the dinosaur?" Brianna asked pretty loudly.

"Quiet Brianna, yes we are ready to order." Mom said.

"I'll have the good old fashioned vanilla please." Dad ordered.

"Make that two." Mom ordered.

I ordered the birthday cake sundae, since birthday cake is my favorite flavor.

"Is it your birthday today?" the waiter asked me.

"No it's not, birthday cake is just my fav-"

"I WANT THE DINOSAUR BEAR!" Brianna yelled, creating a scene.

"Brianna Lynn Maxwell, please behave yourself." Dad scoulded her.

"NO! I WANT THE BARNEY BEAR!" she screamed as she latched onto the poor waiter.

I hid my face in embarrassment, I was sure that there must have been someone from my school here. I just wanted to dig a large hole in the restaurant floor, crawl into it AND DIE!

Eventually, Brianna was pried from the waiter.

"I am SO sorry for our daughter's behavior." Mom said to the waiter, she looked just as embarrassed as I did.

"It...It's fine, don't worry. I'm sure that she would enjoy the teddy bear special sundae. On the house."

That seemed to cheer the brat up big time, thanks waiter guy. Our ice cream was then brought to us and it tasted SO GOOD! I definitely have to tell Chloe & Zoey about this place.

But they would probably just interrogate me about who I'm deciding to go to the Final Dance with.

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