Chapter 21

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I stayed up all night, watching her sleep. I'm terrified that she'll run off on me and get father angry. Oh so angry. He'd torture her before killing her, torture the ones she loved to. And me... Well I would be a Donar in an instant. I can't stand that. I know I'm being weak, I know Era is right. Yet I can't get myself to stand up to him or ignore my fear. It's just survival instincts, and I wish Era had them too. One of her hands blocks her face from my view, and my longing to be with her increases. I'll never get her after what I did to her. She's right: I hurt her too much. Love hurt her too much.

Maybe the men got one thing right.

The sun begins to rise up over the mountains and I chew at my lip. I should probably wake her up, we need to get moving. In the dark we can get away with being close to the City but not at day. At least not without being seen. Crawling closer to her, I let my gun sling loosely in my hand in case I need it.

"We have to get going, Era." I shake her gently.

She groans, rolling around a bit before opening groggy eyes.

"I'm getting up." she groans.

Era rubs the sleep out of her eyes then stands up and begins packing everything into my bag. I gaze around at the trees, trying to figure put which way to go.

"The City is south-east..." I murmer to myself, "So we should probably go north-west, the exact opposite."

"No." Era corrects me shortly, "The women's prison is east of the city. So we want to go east then slowly slant south. We should get to the field sooner that way."

I look at her in surprise.

"How do you know that?" I question, one eyebrow raised.

"I wasn't completely oblivious when you brought me to your house, you know. I have some sense of direction." Era rolls her eyes and pushes me playfully.

I stumble back a few steps, not expecting her to push me. My cheeks burn as she cracks a grin at me.

"Lets go north-west." I say firmly, refusing to look at her.

"Did you not hear what I just said?"

"Of course I did! I have ears you know!" I snap increduously.

"Then why are you ignoring me?"

I sigh, rubbing my temples. How did I get into this mess?

"Look at me, Hunter."

I cross my arms and stare into the forest. Era lets out an exasporated sigh.

"Don't be a child."

My grip tightens around my gun. Don't be stupid, Hunter, I plead to myself, You know you can't shoot her. I let my gun drop to the floor so I'm not tempted.

"You're being a coward! You're just scared of your father!" she screams wildly at me.

I whip around and slam her into the tree behind.

"Shut up!" I hiss, "You have to be smarter than this, Era! Do you want to get us caught?"

She struggles to free herself from me but I hold on tight. She stares into my eyes, anger glistening in the blue depths of her own. Maybe Era's eyes are my wave, threatening to pull me into their rage.

"Coward." Era spits in my face.

She's brave and I'm a coward, it's not hard to see. But that doesn't make it any less hurtful to be called one. I push her tighter against the tree.

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