Chapter 1

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Setting in my one bedroom apartment, drinking my Bud light, feeling a little down with myself, I sat near the window looking out at the raindrops falling on the glass pane, looking back Thinking about my miserable life. Coming from a loveless home life, both mother and father were drunks and always high on drugs, I often wondered how I had escaped without being drawn into the same trap.

I had fooled around a little kissing and touching some of the girls when I was a little younger, but nothing really became of that, at least I didn't look at it as having sex, but more like experimenting. I'm sure by now each of them has grown out of that faze of their lives and are now married with four kids each.

Seeing my reflection in the window, I look good for where I've been. At five foot four, with curly black hair. Looking at my breasts, a nice C cup, narrow hips and strong firm legs and thighs, I don't look bad. I keep my hair short, out of my face. This is very helpful when running nearly five miles a day and working out at the gym. Sometimes I wonder if it's to keep in shape or maybe to keep the frustration and anger in check.

As soon as school was over and I turned eighteen, I enlisted in the Marine Corps. I was assigned to the motor pool, and within a year was being shipped out to Iraq. I had done six months in Iraq and one tour in Afghanistan, where I was wounded in a firefight with insurgents, earning me the Silver Star. I avoid thinking how I had earned the commendation; the loss of some of my closest friends is still hard to deal with. I was shipped back home for my wounds to heal and some much needed R&R.

Having been back in the States for 3 months, I felt I was as good as new and ready for a real assignment. Not being anxious to be sent back over there, I was getting a little bored sitting behind a desk doing filing. One day my Captain walks in and tells me to pack my gear, I'm being shipped out. Being a little leery of where I'm going, I slowly looked up and asked;

"Sir, can you tell me where I am going?"

"Gunny, you know it's not your place to ask such questions, but because I like you, I am going to tell you. You're being shipped out to Parris Island where you will be in training for the next eight weeks on becoming one of the Marine Corps finest drill instructors." He had sat on the edge of my desk, giving me that big shit ass-eating grin he was so famous for.

Slowly rising to me feet, standing at attention, "Sir, I don't... I mean... Why me?"

"Gunny you had won the Silver Star, that alone being enables you to name your next station, I thought I would step in and see to it that you were placed where you would do the most good. With your combat experience, and rank, you would be perfect to teach our young recruits how to stay alive."

Standing at attention, I gave my Captain my sharpest salute, "Thank you sir, I won't let you down."

I had spent the next four years at Paris Island, doing my very best to make sure each recruit assigned to me left with knowledge and skills to return home safely, where ever they were assigned.

Getting another bottle of Bud and returning to my seat next to the window, I again started to reminisce about my past.

Ever since joining the Corps, I had dated men. I knew women were what captured my imagination, but with the military's stance on lesbians and gays I wanted to avoid problems associated with it trying to make the Corps my life long career.

I also wanted to avoid any conflicts with dating men I worked with, so I only dated civilians, hoping to avoid any repercussions. Maintaining my housing in the NCO barracks, I was semi living in my currant boyfriend's apartment. Coming home early one night, I walked in and caught him and two of his buddies gangbanging a girl on our bed. Totally losing it, I grabbed the closest guy, flipping him. I later learned that I had dislocated his shoulder. I then grabbed my then boyfriend, yanked him back off the bed by his hair. When he had raised his arm to me, I punched him three quick short jabs in his ribs, hearing bones cracking on each jab. As the third guy started to approach me, I stepped back then going into a flying kick, knocked him backwards, and unfortunately right into the girl trying to escape.

I had no idea anyone called the police, but they showed up shortly afterwards along with the MP's and a couple ambulances. Since they had three naked men and one naked girl who just happened to be seventeen years old on their hands. It probably was the girl being underage that kept me from being arrested then and there. I had gathered my belongings and was ordered to returned to my barracks and stay there until further notified.

A/N first chapter up and running. I really hope y'all will like this book 

-Until then Mi Amors


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