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Over the last two weeks I've been spying on SasuNaru. Don't tell them though. They wouldn't like that.

But that's not the point.

Nothing romantic happened. And now I'm terribly upset. Of course this doesn't mean my ship isn't sailing. That's never a suggestion. My ship is still sailing. It's just that the sailing speed has slowed. Incredibly. And I need to find a way to speed it up. If I don't then it may possibly take years for them to actually get together and that isn't good. It's not good at all.

If SasuNaru doesn't sail soon then I'm going to have to pay Sasori twenty bucks. The bet was originally if they didn't get together in two years but Sasori is very impatient and he wanted to move the date up.


It's not that I minded at the time. I figured that Sasuke and Naruto would've already gotten together, but then my foolish little brother had to leave the village.

Now I need to speed things up. Their relationship needs to happen. If not then I will be devastated.

Not at the fact that I owe Sasori money, but at the fact that my ship isn't sailing.

I must be the bet winner. I need my ship to sail, and the satisfaction of knowing that my ship sailed.

-The Bet Winner, Itachi Uchiha

A/N: guys I wanna let you in on a secret that I planned out for this story.  But I'm not going to tell you.  Instead there is a hint in every chapter.  You'll have to figure it out yourselves. 

Good luck!

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