"What if I really love her?"

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Let's define love to answer that question. Pope John Paul II explained it best when he wrote, "Love is not merely a feeling; it is an act of will that consists of preferring, in a constant manner, the good of others to the good of oneself."2

How does that apply to our relationships? Think about this.

Research collected from over 10,000 women revealed that the sooner a girl becomes sexually active, the more likely she is to suffer the following:

• Out-of-wedlock pregnancy

• Single motherhood

• STDs

• Multiple sexual partners

• Breakups

• Abortion

• Poverty

• Depression

• Divorce

This research shows that the longer a woman delays sexual activity, the greater the quality of life she enjoys.3 If a young man really loves a girl, he would never risk harming her.

Consider the words of St. John Chrysostom as an example of such love. He said that a young husband should say to his bride, "I have taken you in my arms, and I love you, and I prefer you to my life itself. For the present life is nothing, and my most ardent dream is to spend it with you in such a way that we may be assured of not being separated in the life reserved for us."4 This is love: when no pleasure on earth could be more desirable than wanting to be with a woman for eternity.

The quality of a man's love for a woman can be measured by his feeling of responsibility for her. We've all been told as young men that if we want to become a "man," one way to do it is at the expense of a woman. But God tells us that manhood will come only at our own expense—in this case, for the sake of a woman. If I don't suffer for her sake, she will suffer for mine. If a man says he loves a woman, but has no desire to protect her body or soul, then his "love" is only for pleasure.

We know deep down that the only way a man is able receive a woman fully is if he has given himself to her fully. Then, as her husband, he has the privilege of becoming one with her. Wait for her. If God wills it, he will give her to you. The wait may be difficult, but if you truly love her, then you know that love is capable of very heroic acts. And if you don't think she's worth waiting for, why are you with her?

Pure ManhoodOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora