Chapter 22: Graduation Day Pt. 1

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It's finally Graduation Day. Though it seems like it took a long time to get here I'm happy it's here. I'm still upset about what happened with Michael yesterday but shoot he's not my problem anymore.

It's hard to believe that after everything I've done for him, even after he call me a "low down dirty bitch", that shit still went down this way. Yeah I love him but I love me more. If he can't tell that I'm all he got after this shit, then he stupid as fuck and we need to leave each other alone.

Anyway fuck all that Sap shit a real boss lady finna Graduate today. Right now I'm finishing up with my makeup so I can leave the house. I still gotta swing by and pick up Shan and Keisha on the way so I gotta hurry the fuck up because it's 5:30 now and Graduation start at 6:00.

I just finished my makeup so I grab my heels and purse before I run out the house, since my Cap and Gown is already at the school. I don't know about y'all but I can't drive in heels worth shit so yes I'm motherfucking bare foot. And plus that shit a hindrance when you drive like a NASCAR driver like me.

I pull up to Keisha house and blow the horn.
A few seconds later Keisha and Shan walk out the house with their parents waving behind them. They're gonna meet us there. We all had to wear all black so their dressed similar to me.

"Ayyyeeee Jack, Me and my ride or dies finna Graduate tonight!!!" I yell when they get in the car.

"Yassss bitch" They scream as I take off. It's already 5:45 and we have to be there at least 5 minutes early to put on our Cap and Gowns.
I pull into the school parking lot quick as hell and we jump out running in two separate directions.

"See Y'all on the field" I yell running towards the principle's office where my Cap and Gown is, While they run towards the gym.

When I get to the principle's office she's already there waiting for me.

"Hey Jessica" She says handing me my things.

"Hello Principle Edwards." I say putting on my gown.

She kind of looked like she had tears in her eyes.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm so proud of you, I know it hasn't been an easy road for you but you kept it together and got your shit done" she says making my eyes widen.

"What girl, just because I'm a principle doesn't mean I'm some type of saint. I wasn't always where I am now. " She says making me laugh.

"Lol, I gotcha but thanks for supporting me and having my back through everything."
I say sincerely.

"You're welcome chile, You know I got you." She says opening up her arms for a hug.

After I hug her she rushes me off to the gym where everybody else is for the line up. As soon as I walk in I spot Keisha and Shan at the back sitting on the bleachers. They mean mugging some dude that's standing in front of them.

As I walk closer I see that it's................


Please excuse all mistakes
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BlackDiamond 💎💎

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