Chapter 7: Late Nights

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All we got is this niggah name and a trap location. Nobody knows what this niggah look like and it's pissing me off.

"Aye all y'all motherfuckers get y'all asses up." I yell walking in to where everybody sitting down at.

"I want all y'all motherfuckers to be looking for this niggah names King. I wanna know what he look like, where he lay his head at night, who his family is, where the fuck he come from, EVERY FUCKING THING THERE IS TO KNOW ABOUT THIS MOTHERFUCKER I WANNA KNOW!!!!!!" I yell getting a little pissed off at the end.

I get a chorus of "Yes Boss", "Ok Boss", and "Okay T-Baby".

I storm out the trap before I kill every last one of they asses and go home.

Hours Later

On the way home I stopped and got me some Chinese take out. When I got home I ate and took a long hot ass shower. I just got finished with my homework now I'm catching up on this season's The Haves And The Have Nots.

My phone buzzes after I get about ten minutes into a episode

Future Hubby❤️😘💍😍: Hey Future Wifey......

Me: How you do sure I'm going to be your wife? And how did you get my number when I didn't give it to you?

Future Hubby❤️😘💍😍: I have my ways and plus I always get what I want.

Me: Okay that's not creepy at all.

Future Hubby❤️😘💍😍: Lol I will tell you if you promise to go out on a date with me.

I thought about it. I really wanted to go out with him and besides I want to know how he got my number. So guess what I did...........

You damn skippy I said yes.

Me: Okay

Just them my phone starts flashing with
"Future Hubby❤️😘💍😍" across the screen signaling he was calling me.


"Hey Wifey"

"Lol Hey Man"

"So you promise you will go on a date with me."

"Yeah only if you tell me how you got my number."


"Go ahead, tell me."

"Well it's real simple when I put my number in your phone I called my phone then hung up quick and deleted out of your call log."

" Wow" I scream while he's laughing "Why didn't I think of that. Here I am thinking you got some type of connections or something and spying on me."

"If only you knew, but anyway when you wanna go on this date????"

"Friday Night I guess since you tricked me."

"Not really we made a deal but okay." He says laughing.

The rest of the night we stay up all night on the phone talking and getting to know each other until we fell asleep.

Please excuse all mistakes
Jessica in mm
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BlackDiamond 💎💎

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