Chapter 16

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Dick's pov

'I don't know barb... I haven't seen her yet, but it isn't like (y/n) to storm off like an angry toddler.' I answer barbara through the cam. 'Dick, If I were her I would be royally pissed off too you know. Actually now that  I think about, didn't the two of us had the exact same fight with bruce when we were his partners?' she retords while raising her eyebrow. ......

She's right. Bruce has never been the most caring person in the world and he's especially bad at expressing worry or concern over someone. It always comes out as  orders or disbelieve in your capabilities instead of just explaining he's worried. If he just said that, it would be completely understandable, after all the job is full of danger and after... Last year    He's even more on edge that before. But he doesn't tell (y/n) that, so she'll probably think she's not good enough or too weak or something like that. And that never ends well. Because after feeling like that, comes disagreeing about methods and after that comes going down your own path. Just like barb and I did. And knowing (y/n), there's a bigger change it wil happen sooner than with us, since she's the gooddamn embodyment of stubborness.

'I know barb... I just worry. What if she decides to go solo? you know (y/n)! she'll get herself killed in some heroic fashion....' I say. 'Then talk to her. She looks up to you so she'll listen. Explain that bruce is just worried in his own way and perhaps take her with you on patrol. As equals.' She shoots back as she's typing.

 That is not a bad idea, but it has always been kind of difficult talking with (y/n) after it. I mean she acts like she's fine, but I have caught her several times on the edge of breaking down. And every time she fight the puppets of joker she cuts her feelings of and if you try to talk to her about it, she just shrugs it off.

'Wouldn't it be better if you talked to her? You're like a sister to her and you know her better?' I wonder. Barbara's face turns into that of hurt. '(y/n)... She..We don't talk like that anymore. After I got shot she's been keeping her distance. I think she blames herself for my situation and.. his death.' shit. She look really upset. 'Barb i' I'm cut off. 'I know dick, she's just mourning, but.... I worry. A lot. Lately I've been thinking there was more between them dick... And I know she didn't get to tell him anything. She has nightmares, bad ones. But she just shrugs them away. She refuses to talk about it, doesn't visit his grave and cut herself off from her entire class and friends.' It clicked. 'She's internalizing it.' I conclued. 'Exactly. And we both know that is far from healthy. '

Alfred enters the room. 'Master richard, I have brought thea and a bowl of soup.' he quietly puts the bowl before me. An silent order. Eat. He greets barbara as I quickly eat the soup.  Bruce enters, silently as always, and goes directly towards the computer. He puts something in while Alfred just put another bowl in front of him. He ignores it while the system runs.

I look at barb and she pulls a face that clearly means: "Now is as good as ever " and I sigh. Well here goes nothing; 'Bruce? we need to talk' I state, hoping he'll coaperate. No reaction. so far so good. 'It's about (y/n). You gotta explain that you are worried about her savety instead of giving off the vibe of 'you are not trained well enough' you know..' Still nothing. I continue. ' Because else.. She'll do like we did, except she's stubborn enough not to come back. So it is important that you tell her, especially now after you know... Last year.' Silence. Complete and utter silence. I look at barb and she just nods. 'Bruce, we owe her this much. she's dealing badly with his death, and who can blame her. I mean we all are pretty shit at this type of thing and it has to be worse for her, She watched it happen. And she's just a kid. was just a kid. So we have to explain why you're acting like this. And I really think it would do her good if you just showed some faith in (y/n). Let her help catching the red hood. It would help her. Show her you trust her.'

The silence is broken by the beeping of the computer. It finished it's run. Bruce looks at the result for a second and immediatly starts to search something else. No reaction at all. I look at barb and I can see she's frustraded too. How ironic that my entire speech was about him trusting us and then he does not even listen. Typical.

I look at the clock. 'It's almost nine, shall I come pick you up?' I ask barb. She just nods so I grab my stuff and I start to leave. I step through the treshold and BAM. A big crash ecohoes trough the cave. I rush back in to see Alfred and bruce standing is a big pile of rubbish and papers. Bruce looks suprised for a second before returning to his stoic posture. Alfred start to talk, Annoyance evident in his strict voice.

'Master Bruce, I know you've been fighting for what's right and what not, but I am deeply concerned for misses (l/n). She barely eats, gets injured often, and sleeps even less than you, master bruce, if that is even possible. I know you have been having a hard time after young master Jasons death, but so has the girl. I'll allow you to mourn in what you deem the right way, yet I refuse to let it be misses (y/n)s demise.' He states. He used her first name. He's serious. I look at bruce, knowing that if alfred speaks up that he will reply.

Instead he just starts typing and pulls up a file. It says

'Name: The Red Hood

Status: Highly dangerous

Fuction: Assosiate mob, sometimes leader, sometimes fake alias. Current: Mob boss

Description: differs. Red head wear. Current: Red mask, leather jacked, armed with arsnal including knives, guns other weapons. Highly skilled marksman.

Appearances: 1980,1983,1990,1996,1997,2017.

Identity: differs; lian distal, phillip kane, lian harper, Unkown aka currently Joker

Current identity: Jason Todd'

wait.. What?

As confusion fills me, I turn towards bruce with just one word burning on my tongue


(A/n - Soo hiiiiii

No i'm dead. Just finally regained some energy to write. I'm still busy but i'll probably write more. So this chapter is kindof a filler, but i wanted to write it just incase there were some peeps to whom this was a suprise^^ I wrote it from dicks pov because of reason

Oh and this chapter is nominated to a specialre reader whom left a book worth of comments,

which i really enjoyed and laughed my ass of:


I hope you all enjoyed it!)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2017 ⏰

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