Escape Death (jasonxreader) chapter 7

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 ~warning contains gore~

Chapter 7:

Your p.o.v.

You feel something sharp and painful against your wrists and ankles. You try to push it away only to feel the pain increase. Your eyes shoot open with the pain and you wish you didn't opened them. Your nightmare is true. You were alone in what looked like an old abandoned shed. The door is locked with three chain locks. The windows were boarded up, but you could still see a little moonlight through the darkness. You must have been in here for a few hours. Your eyes slowly got used to the dark you saw a scene that was straight out of a horror movie. There was blood all over the floor and walls and scratches were on the ground. There were boxes all around you. You try to sit up, but only fall back on the ground. As your body hits the floor, every nerve in your movie screams in pain. In a reflex you bite your lip, holding in the scream that would have escaped. You feel an extremely painful sting in your stomach. You wince in pain. Biting harder on your lip you ignore the pain as much as you could. Once again you try to get up and once again you fail, this time sending a box to fall and making a loud sound that gives away your presence. You hold your breath trying to be as quiet as possible in the hope that you weren't discovered. Just when you think you were safe for now you hear a high pitched voice squeal. Goosebumps cover you entire body as you shake in fear. 'Pudding!' the voice sang happily 'PUDDING?! Our kitten is awake!' she sounded like a creepy physco child on Christmas morning. But she was not the reason of your fear. It was the purple dressed clown king that came into the room when his nickname was called. His devilish grin grow wider when he sees you awake. You try to crawl back, not noticing all the blood that floats out of your stomach. You only got away a foot when you hit the boxes again. The insane clown noticed you desperate attempts to escape and his infamous laugh comes out of his mouth. You freeze in fear. He walks towards you with a slightly jealous Harley behind him. 'ow Harley just look at that wonderful expression' he almost purrs 'isn't the most wonderful thing in the world!' Harley nod as fast as she can and Joker nods in approval of her obedience. He lowers his face to yours so that he can look you in your (e/c) orbs , which are wide of fear. You look away in the hope of not having a panic attack. You hear jokers chuckle turn into a full insane laugh. While the insane duo is distracted you manage to get on your knees. You try to crawl away, not caring how stupid and pathetic you look. But again are your attempts to escape in vain. Jokers laugh only get louder when you wince from the pain cutting through your stomach. You fall on the ground again when you hear the haunted laugh coming closer again. You pray that a wonder would appear and that batman and robin would save you... as robin crosses your head Jason appears too... you just wish he was save... you feel your heart flutter as you think of him and realise that you love him... Shit!!.......... you would die before you could tell him that... a sharp pain cuts through your heart.

'now now sweetie...' jokers sickens voice laughs 'No need to get shy now...... Not after all the trouble I went through to get you here' you see Harleys expression acerbate by that sentence. You shiver at the thought of Harleys wrath of jealousy. You hear a laugh, you're not able to recognise whose it was. You feel a familiar pressure on your chest. As reaction on it, an extremely hurtful pain shoots through your stomach. Your vision is turning blurry and your fighting to keep conscious. It is the creepy voice of the kind of lunatics that drags you back into reality as he drags you to what seem as an old surgery table. He throws you on the table and before you could act, you're already tied up to the table. You pull at the chains as much as you could, but you're still unable to move. 'Pudding.... Shall we being the surgery?' Harley asks like a child that really wants to play with her favourite doll. Only now you notice that she is wearing a slutty nurse outfit. 'patience harl.... It is standard procedure to tell the patient what we're going to do before were going to operate.' He turns his wicked smile to your wrestling figure. 'you see sweetie.... You have something I want... and I'm taking it back' 'i-i-I d-don't hav-ve a-anyt-thing' you couldn't care less about the fact that you stuttered. 'oh my dearie..... lying won't help you at all..... I know that the bat visited you' he holds a knife to your throat making it hard for you to think. Just when you think he's going to end your life it finally hits you. Bombs... missing trigger..... the open cut stomach of the victims that died.... The pain in your stomach........ 'I see you have finally figured it out.... Took you long enough... Now.... Show me those fear stained eyes of yours..' you struggle to get out but you still can't move. 'Now to tell you about the operation... you see I knew batsie was going to save the hostages, so I decided to hide my precious trigger. But the old people just sucked to hide anything so I went out to find a better candidate. And that's when you so kindly walked into my arms. You were perfect so when you were out I hid my trigger in your stomach. And you've been helping me so kindly to hide it from batsie! But now I want it back.'

A devilish grin spreads across his face. Your face pales with the thought that you have helped joker. You feel disgusted and you feel repulsive of yourself. 'come sweetie..... won't you beg for your life ?......' a sudden braveness takes you over and you stare the insane man back in the eyes. 'your choice then sweetie...' he grabs his knife and turns towards your stomach. You struggle to keep your stomach away from the madman. You feel the cold blade press o so slightly against to your stomach. Immediately you stop moving and gasp. You feel the pressure on your stomach growing bigger and if things couldn't get worse the pressure on your chest return. You feel the blade press hard enough to draw blood. You bite your lip as hard as you can trying to hold back the screams and tears. Your vision starts to blurry again and this time you welcome it. But joker would have none of that, he throws a bucket of water on your head to wake you up. As jokers knife cuts deeper you can't hold back your screams and you scream. The pain doesn't stop and the fact that your vision blurs makes it feel like it's going on forever. The pain is all you feel. You feel something enters your wound and you feel pain like you have never felt it.... Finally your eyesight returns and you see blurry forms. You realise that you're no longer stuck the table you try to run away. But as soon as you move a muscle a sharp pain shoots through your body. You fall to the ground and your head hits the ground. Your arms hide your stomach from the mad man who is walking towards you. He holds a small object. You realise that that must be the trigger.. A sudden flash of adrenalin kicks in. you manage to get up and grab the trigger. You knee joker in the guts and while Harley is checking her pudding you run towards the door. As you kicked it open you see a face which caused your face to lift up. Tears form in your eyes. The red and yellow gave you a safe feeling. You see the raven black hair and it reminded you of Jason. You want to fall in his arms, but you remember the trigger. You quickly give it to him and just as want to drag him away you feel a sharp cold pain in your back. You see robins shocked expression and everything turns black.....

~quick shout out to kirstenMirsten who figured this plot twist out really fast ^^~

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