Escape Death (jason Todd x reader) chapter 6

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Your p.o.v.:

You stare at the black words hoping that they would disappear, but fate wasn't on your side..

The inked words still stand there.. Fear rushes through your body and you tremble.. You can't move your body, it won't listen. You could hear the children around you talk and you could see them eat their dinner without a worry in the world... Nobody seemed to notice the feared words in the newspaper, no one payed any attention on your little panic attack...

Fear.... It flows through your body.... You could feel your muscles tens, but you wouldn't move an inch.. You could see the face that haunts your dreams... those messy green locks... the crimson crazy smile against his white skin... and his eyes... those big white eyes with those little black irises filled with insane joy... You could still hear his laughter..... you hear the people around go through their routines and the image of cut open people shoots through your mind.. you heart pumps faster and your vison starts getting blurry... a little girl cuts herself and screams hysterically.. You feel a pressure build on your chest..... you can barely breath... The hallucinations flash before your eyes..... A little kid laughs and you could hear the hollow sound of jokers laugh again.... That is the final drop..... The pressure get to high and you heart feel like it's going jump out of your chest... Your vision blacks out and adrenaline kicks in.. you couldn't take it anymore and you stumble quickly upstairs while all the other kids look shocked at you..

You run into your room and lock the door... Your vison turns complete black again and you fall to the ground.. You could hear the head of the orphan home slam on your door and call your name before you pass out............

Jason's p.o.v.:

I slammed my door while hearing bruce shout from downstairs. That ass face of a clown escaped without a trace.. I felt my blood boil through my veins as Bruce's words floats through my head... nothing we can do.... Bullshit! We need to catch that asshole and stop those stupid bombs! I'm fighting my frustration off while kicking the punching bag. After working my ass of for half an hour I'm lying in my bed to sleep a little before going on patrol, but my eyes won't close, dreams don't come.. I pull the blanket over my body and turn so that I'm lying on my side. I stubbornly close my eyes knowing that sleep won't come. Instead I see her face as always, but this time it looks different. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair is messy and covered with blood, cuts cover her (s/k) skin with red. Her lips are chapped and there are two nasty cuts from her lip corners to her cheekbones. Blood spills out of it and her (e/c) close without the little spark there..

I quickly shake my head trying to get that thought out. Not her. Not (f/n). I'll keep her safe, I'll protect her! A image of her cute smile flows through my mind and I calm down..

For some weird reason she has that kind of effect on me... well... I shall at least be honest with myself: I love her..... that is the reason. Her kind smile, the way she's clumsy sometimes. The way she'll giggle at all my stupid jokes. Her courage, her intelligence.. the way she doesn't cares that she's from the narrows.. and most of all that little fire in her eyes..

I won't let anyone hurt her!

That is when my eyes closed and I fell to sleep..

<time skip of Jason Robin being on patrol with bruce. Batman.>

When I finally come home I was even more pissed off: a entire night of nothing at all!

I change into my normal clothes and I fall on my bed when my phone rings. I pick it up and see that it is a text from (f/n)!

My heart jumps and when I quickly read it, my eyes grow wider. I run downstairs. I quickly led Al see the text and he nods. I rush to my motorbike and quickly drive to (f/n)! On my phone still is the message: (f/n) is in the hospital. Come please!

<time skip of traffic since we all love it ;) >

I rush to the reception and ask where the room of (f/n) (l/n). The receptionist just nods and say 316. I run to the elevator and I impatiently wait until I arrive at the third floor. I follow the signs to room 316 and enter quietly. I see Barbara and her father stand next to a hospital bed. Barb turn around and pulls me into a hug. 'what happened?' I ask as worry covers my voice. 'She had a panic attack after hearing the news that joker escaped and she opened her wounds on her stomach.... And.. never mind..' commissioner Gordon says. I couldn't handle not knowing the rest. 'what else?' I ask in a determined voice. 'There is something else wrong with her stomach, but we don't know what..' I nod and walk over to the bed. (f/n) lays there her (s/c) wither than usual. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair messy and lays all over her pillow. Her beautiful (e/c) eyes closed and her chest slowly rising and falling. Several tubes are in her hand and two in her nose. Even though she laid still she didn't look peaceful. The heart monitor made a melody with her breathing. I heard the others leave and I moved some (h/c) strings out of her face. A frown covered my face, she looked so sad, so broken. Her red lips were dry and little cuts were forming. Before I knew what I was doing my face was mere inches away from hers. Not being able to stop myself I kissed her softly on her lips. A little ashamed of myself I covered her with the blankets and left. I stepped into the elevator and Just as the door closed, two nurses walked towards (f/n)'s door and entered. I left the hospital hoping that (f/n) would be okay

Your p.o.v.:

You smelled a.... well hospital smell. You heard the constant beep of a heart monitor and you felt something stuck in your hand. You open your eyes and you meet instead of your (your ceiling colour) ceiling a grey one. You look around at you discover that you are in a hospital. You slowly sit up and a sharp pain shoots through your body. You stop moving and looked around. There was a table with pills and a vase with a bouquet of flowers in it. Next to the table was a closed window. All kinds of tubes and pipes were around your bed. You remember your panic attack of (what you guessed was) last night. You also remembered what woke you up: a soft pressure on your lips. For second your mind thinks of some paedophile, but you reject that possibility. It was far too sweet for that. Your mind flickers to Jason and a faint blush creeps onto your cheeks. You've developed a huge crush on him... well dare to say you love him. Everything about him. Just as your mind was drooling thinking about him two nurses entered your room. You decided to find out what happened 'ma'am? Could you tell me why I'm here?' you ask politely. 'ow nothing bad Kitten' answers the first nurse with a high voice the way she said kitten gave you goose bumps. The other nurse whispers something to the nurse who just called you kitten. You creeping out, because you can only see their back. 'you're here...' the second nurse answered in a weird voice 'cause you have something we want..' the nurse turns around and you're face to face with your own personal nightmare. Two big white crazy eyes stare at you from under a blond wig. A paper white skin with a red cut in smile confirmed your worst fear. You were in a room, alone and wounded, with not only Harley quin, but with The infamous clown king himself. You scream and pull the tube you of your body ready to escape, when jokers smile turns (as much as it can) into a frown. Before you can get to the door, he has grabbed your hands and pulled you back. You scream and try to kick and punch him which doesn't affect him at all. You bump into him with all your energy and he falls on the table which causes the vase to fall on him head. You run to the door and open it. With all your strength you run towards the elevator, only to be blocked by Harley with a mallet. You take the first turn left and keep running. Left right right left left right you kept running the best that you can, but the pain makes it almost impossible. You rest for a few second when you realized the mistake you made; you had run into the abandoned wing of the hospital! Just as you were going to run again you were tackled to the ground. You struggle to get free, but it is useless. You looked up and you saw the nightmare again. He just laughed and your vision was becoming fussy... no no nononono NO I can't black out now! But you lost to much blood and everything becomes black while you hear both joker and Harley laugh. The last image that floats through your mind is Jasons smile mixed up with jokers....

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