Escape Death (jason todd x reader) chapter 5

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Jason's p.o.v

Yeah!!!! Finally! A good swing in my day! I mean... I was going to search for her of course, but she just appeared with Barbara! Yeah! No sitting hours trough data! And I found a name too! (f/n). As soon as I'm home I sneak to the cave, which is only possible because Bruce's having some meeting. I typ her name in the computer and I'm surprised to see that she's one of the first results. I lick on the link and her personal data appears... I know it's a violation of privacy, but I just need to no more about her! Damn I sound like some stalker! I'm acting like some Edward Cullen. With that thought a frown appears on my face. I shake the fact that I'm acting like some sparkly stalker vampire off and I start reading the file.

(F/n) (l/n). 15 years old (authors note: yeah... sorry you're around this age.) Lives in an orphan home in the narrows. Highly intelligent. Has a scholarship from Gotham high. Only A and B's... Damn! This girl is pretty AND smart! Wait!..... what? I feel that weird unknown feeling again.. But..... she is pretty nice.... I guess... UGH! Get it together man! You're sounding like some lovesick puppy. I shake my head to wipe it clean from these weird-@$$ emotions. Whatever! Just as I close the computer Al (authors note: Al = Alfred) walks in. 'Young master Jason' he says with a British accent 'Young master Dick and master Bruce are waiting for your arrival up stairs' 'Thanks Al!' I say while getting out of my chair. I walk upstairs wondering why he is here. He already owes me one for acting like a good little brother towards barb and (f/n). Yeah.. the coward was afraid that he would leave a bad impression after so I had to act nice. Of course it worked in my benefit, but he doesn't need to know that.

I walk the living room in and see Bruce and Dick talking about some files with serious faces. 'You're here. Good' Bruce starts with his wonderful excitement. -_- 'what's the case' I ask inpatient 'The victims' dick says 'the ones murdered were all retired cops as you said..' I feel the anger boiling in my stomach again 'But the survivors have no connation at all' I nod 'I wondered that during the mission too.' 'There were 5 women 5 men. They 5 of them came out the narrows, the other 5 out the better part of the city. 5 of them had a job, the other 5 not. 5 of them had (h/c) hair, the other (opposite h/c) hair. It looks like he just picked 10 people, but it's too balanced for it. None of them have a criminal record. The police interrogated them, but none of them seem to work with the joker nor know where the trigger is. As far as I can see, it's a dead end.' Dick says annoyed 'But there is one irregularity' I say. Like lighting their head snap up. 'almost all of them were above 20 except one. (f/n) (l/n). she's 15.' '(f/n) (l/n)?' dick ask 'you mean barb best friend?' 'yeah. She. She was one of the hostages' 'okay' Bruce rises 'Jason and I will visit this (f/n) tonight. Dick, you will go through the data of the police' dick nods and I realise that this is must be a big case, if Dick lets Bruce boss him around. I nod and dick leaves. I want to walk to my room when Bruce grasps my shoulder. 'good job' he says and it takes all my discipline to not let my jaw drop in surprise. 'Dick said she's Barbara's best friend?' Bruce ask and I nod 'yeah.. we met her today' Bruce nods his head while thinking 'It might be best if you keep an eye on her for her own safety. She was that girl joker threw of the roof, right?' A shiver runs down my spine with that memory and I nod. I walk towards my room and feel excitement going through my body. I lay on my bed and I almost drift to sleep when one sleepy thought goes through my head: 'I get to protect her..' my head snaps up and I can feel that weird feeling again. This time it has company of a overprotective feeling and an excited one. I'm surprised when I realise that I'm not just excited to help Bruce and save the city, but that the biggest part is that I get to spent time with you. I'm wondering what this means when it hit me like lighting. My body jumps off my head when I realise it. GOD DAMN IT! I can't.... I just can't... I mean, Bruce will have my head if this happens and Dick & Barb won't give me a minute rest. I'm f#cking robin! I can't fall in love with a former hostage. I can't... I just can't. It will only get her mixed up in this crazy @$$ world and put her in danger. Beside she has only seen me ones so she can't feel this way. 'but what if she feels the same way' a little spark of hope says. No no no she doesn't. I mean she has only just met me 'but after the mission she acted so nice.. what if she does feel this way' she doesn't that is it. I will NOT fall for her and I will not act like some love sick puppy. 'but bruce said that we've got to keep an eye on her.. maybe if we get to know her and she gets to know us, she will..' NO she will not. There is no getting out of what bruce said, but I'll interact at least as possible with her. Happy with my decision my eyes close and I drift to sleep

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